My badass wife slaps her brother in the face, Part Two

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Tam's POV

After what felt like three zillionbajillion hours, (Rex says that a lot. It rubs off.) the explosions finally stopped and we could crawl out of the miserable dark of those bomb shelters.

Poor Rex. He was freaked out, clinging to Biana like a life line.

There was dust and broken trees everywhere. Craters lettered the ground, and the few tents that were set up were knocked over and ripped apart.

"Damn it, that's the third time this month." Natalie grumbled. "We need to start planning a full frontal attack. This is getting to be too much."

"We need more recruits if we're going to attack," Fitz mumbled. "I mean, no offense Biana and everyone, but we need a few more people."

Then Biana slapped Fitz again.

"Ow! What was that for??"

"That is for leaving for eleven years and then assuming we want to help right when we get here being attacked."

"But... I... Did I deserve a slap?"

He was asking Keefe, who had been silent.

"Yeah bro. You were gone for a long time. Everyone thought you were dead."

"Cool. Can we figure this out now, Natalie?"

"Why are you asking her?" Dex wondered.

"Why do you care?" Natalie shot back.

"Because you don't look older than sixteen."

"I'm fifteen, thank you very much. My dad was the leader of this camp. He died, so now i'm the leader. Copy, soldier?"

Dex's eyes widened a bit.

"Uh, yes? I copy."

"Good. Let's run the basic cleanup drill and see how much we can do before dark. Peters, get the tents out."

Natalie was ordering around a small stick figure guy who looked completely overwhelmed.

"Uh, ma'am, I can't life those tents, their really--"

"Ask someone for help then!"

Sophie glanced at Keefe, and they asked where the tents were. Peters pointed toward a small indent in the ground, and the Sencens easily used telekinesis to lift them out.

All th humans in the small base dropped what they were doing in a panic.

"Ta daaa. Elf magic. Are you going to re-consider us helping you?"

Trying to Survive Sucks: A Tiana KOTLC adventure.Where stories live. Discover now