Hi I'm Rex and I've never seen a human before

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Rex's POV!!!!


My name is Rex Song, and I am eleven. I'll be twelve in three months, so no baby jokes. Or I'll make you have the worst hair day you will ever experience with a tornado.

*Squints at you.*

Actually, a tornado hairdo might improve your look.

I'm just kidding!

Or am I?

Okay, mom says I need to stop messing with the recorder thing and tell the story, or she won't let me.

So I will, because I didn't waste three hours begging for a turn for nothing.

So, this human girl, right, she comes up and says she'll kill us if we're not on her side.

So, I said something really intelligent like, "Wow, you're cute."

Dad gave me a thumbs up, but mom scolded me. The human, Natalie, raised an eyebrow and glanced at her Australian partner.

"Okay, we're keeping the kid. But what about everyone else? Who's side are you on?"

To prove her very threatening point, she pulls this massive black gun out of nowhere. Dex told me it's called a machine gun, but Eliza and I like to call it the pew-pew thingy.

Natalie points the pew-pew thingy at us, but she really doesn't look like she wants to fire it.

Dad held up his hands and switched to English.

"We're on your side. We were actually trying to find you guys and help."

Uncle Keefe chimed in, "Also, we're not human."

Natalie's grip on the pew-pew thingy faltered for, like, half a second, and her Aussie partner started to laugh.

He faked wiping a tear away. "Wow! Am I supposed to believe that you," He pointed to my mom. "Can read minds or some creepy shiz? And you," He pointed to Lex. "You can control snow? That's the funniest stuff I ever heard!"

Uncle Lex glanced at Sophie. She nodded, and he swirled his hands around and around until a huge ice storm had gathered above his head. Uncle Lex smirked and dropped it all into the perfect shape of a snowman, complete with a snazzy top hat.

Mr. Aussie blanched whiter than the snow and promptly collapsed. Natalie was stuck somewhere between rolling her eyes at her partner, and gaping at Rex in utter disbelife.

"You... He... You're not lieing?" Natalie raised a shaky hand and pointed at my mom again. "Can.. Can you read minds?"

"No," Mom said. Sh put an arm around Sophie. "But Sophie here can."

Natalie almost collapsed backwards, but Dex reached out and steadied her. She was too shocked to thank him, she only shot him a fearful look.

"What... what can you do?"

Dex smiled. "I'm a Technopath. I work with gadgets. For example: I can tell that the radio in your pocket is experiencing frequency issues. Mind if I fix it?"

Natalie wordlessly handed Dex the concealed radio. He started to tweak it.


I said in my very best English. Natalie stepped backward.

"I'm Rex. I can control the wind! Here, watch."

I started to create a normal windstorm, but mom stopped me, accidentally revealing to the human that she could turn invisible.

"Rex, not right now!"

"Y-You just... Flashed in and out of sight... Invisible..."

Natalie started falling backwards again, but Dex caught her again and handed her the radio thing.

"Here. Try it now."

She took it with wide eyes.

"Copy, company Zulu Alpha Charlie command. This is Nat, come in."

A bit of fuzzy-sounding static that made me want to itch my ears, then, "Copy, Beta Nat. Confirm no backup necessary."

Natalie glanced at us again. We were all standing there, covered in dust and carrying backpacks with nothing in them but extra pairs of underwear.


She raised the radio to her mouth.

"No backup needed, Zulu Alpha Charlie. Over an Out."

More crackly fuzz, then the radio turned off.

Eliza tugged on Keefe's tunic. "Dad, what was Zulu Alpha Chucky?"

Natalie glanced up suddenly, as if not expecting Eliza to talk.

"That... that was the phonetic alphabet. The first letter of each word is the letter you use. I said Z-A-C. That's the name if my company."

Eliza looked very confused. I was too. Why not just say the letters normal? my parents seemed to get it. They glanced at each other and nodded.

"Look, Natalie, w want to help you win the war. We had to evacuate out homes because you humans were blowing up all our land, and if we help a side win, everything will go back to normal," My mom explained. Dad backed her up.

"We know enough about your war to know that your side is the one that's fighting for a better cause. The Slates, the side you're fighting against, are trying to take the world over and have it ruled by one governing body. Am I correct?"

Natalie nodded, looking a little uneasy.

"We've only been at it for about a month. It's terrible. The Slates have got way more power, more troops. All we Imperfects have is a few tanks and scattered infantry."

"Well, that's where we come in." Aunt Sophie said. She tapped her temple. "I know what you're thinking. You don't trust us. But we want our world back, and if we want it how it was, we're going to help you. And, we aren't the only Elves. There are thousands of us in hiding right now. Thousands of us with unique abilities that can help you win the war."

Natalie reconsidered for a moment. She sighed, then looked at Aunt Sophie and nodded.

"Okay. I'll take you back to my base. But, did you just say Elves?"

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