Plan A, but with Sophie.

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Biana's POV

Keefe helped carry Tam into the tree house. He had used all his energy to create a shadow portal, which I didn't even know he could do without the right conditions.

The middle of the forest was not the right conditions.

Surrounded by snakes is definitely not the right conditions.

We laid him gently on his mattress. He was breathing okay, but he looked ghostly pale. He had obviously used up way too much energy to save us.

I flashed back to the way that snake had snapped at me.

I walked out to the kitchen, where Linh was chatting with Sophie and Keefe while they inhaled food. They all looked at me when I walked in.

"Is he okay?"

Linh and Sophie asked at the same time. I nodded and sank into a chair.

"He's okay. He just overexerted himself." I shook my head. "I don't know how he did that in the middle of a forest. That's crazy."

"I bet I know," Sophie said. She held up her gloveless hand. "I accidentally enhanced him. My emotions were out of control because I thought we were going to die, so I couldn't keep it off. He grabbed my hand and made the portal."

Sophie rubbed her temples and stared at her hands. Keefe sighed.

"Not cool Tammy boy. Do not touch my girlfriend's hand."

"Shhh," Sophie slapped his arm. But it was too late.

"GIRLFRIEND?" Linh and I exclaimed at the same time. We high-fived each other. "Yes, I told you, Fitz was no good for her."

Everyone stopped at the mention of Fitz's name.

"Any word from him?"  Keefe asked. I shook my head.

"I was hoping you would have heard something."

He shook his head sadly. I sighed and walked back to Tam's room. The sun was setting, and his room was dark and sad. I sat on the floor next to his bed and tried not to cry. I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

"Bi, you okay?"

Tam asked weakly. He was still laying on his stomach, but he had reached out his hand and touched me. I stood.

"Hey, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

He shook his head. "You."

I walked over and took his hand.

"How much do you want?" I teased. He smiled.

"All." He pulled me onto his bed and wrapped his arms around me. I rolled so that we were facing each other. He pressed his lips on mine, and I smiled behind the kiss. His arms tightened around me, making sure I wouldn't let go.

Not that I wanted to.

I slid my hands into his shirt and he tangled his fingers in my hair.

"I love you," He whispered. I gave him a long, slow kiss.

"I love you too."

I fell asleep in his arms.


"I told you, they were making out this whole time!"

Keefe's voice drifted through my half sleep. I groggily opened one eye. Keefe, Sophie, and Linh were all staring at us. Tam's arms were still around me, and he was still asleep. 

"Were not," I managed to say. I closed my eye.

"Sure. What were you doing last night then?"

"Keefe!" I heard Sophie slap him again and couldn't help but smile. Then I heard Linh giggle. I sat up slowly. It was morning, and rays of sunshine were filling the tree house.

"Why are you all here right now? It's too early." I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Next to me, Tam sat up. 


He yelped, disappearing back under a blanket. I could hear muffled curses through the fuzzy fabric. I tapped his shoulder.

"You might as well come out, they all already know."

"No. Blankets are too soft. Too warm."

"Okay. I'm leaving you here."

I slid off the bed and touched my bare feet to the floor. Ugh, I was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and I hadn't brushed my teeth.

"So what do you guys want?"

"Well, while you two were catching up on sleep, we figured out a plan to take down the Neverseen."

Sophie said.

"It's a good thing you have me."

Trying to Survive Sucks: A Tiana KOTLC adventure.Where stories live. Discover now