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A/N: Thank you for 65 reads!!!!!!

Tam's POV

I tried to fight back to consciousness, but whatever sedative Elwin had given me must have been strong. 

I had really weird dreams.

I saw Linh, laughing and eating mallowmelt at Alluveterre.

I saw Biana, being dragged away by figures in black cloaks, screaming at me, hiding in the shadows.

I even saw Sophie and Keefe, fighting side by side in a battle with cloaked enemies.

A few nightmares I don't want to talk about.

Darker and darker things.

Then I forced myself back to consciousness, mostly because I was sick of the dreams. 

I also wanted to make sure Linh and Biana were okay. Everyone else too, of course, but mostly Linh and Biana.

When I opened my eyes, I was somewhere in Everglen. I was laying in a huge canopy bed in a huge room, propped up on pillows.

I moved my head, surprised when pain wracked my side. I was wrapped in a large white bandage, which explained why I felt so stiff.

Someone was holding my hand. I turned my head to look.

It was Biana. She was asleep in a plush chair next to the bed.

All my other friends were sleeping on the ground.

They had all camped out here for me.

It must have been the middle of the night because Nobody was awake. I drifted back asleep despite having just woken up, the energy I needed to be awake not present.

A/N: See if you can catch the Percy Jackson reference ;)

The next time I woke, it must have been morning, because only Linh was still sleeping on the floor, and Biana wasn't holding my hand anymore.

I tried not to let that disappoint me.

I pushed myself up into more of a sitting position even though my side was screaming at me for moving and my brain cursed myself for even waking up.

I lifted the blankets off and touched my feet to the floor, waking Linh up in the process.


She shot off the floor and hugged me tight.

"Linh... ribs... too tight."


She let go and stepped back to study me.

"Why are you out of bed? You almost died!"

She practically shoved me back onto the bed.

"Come on Linh, I'm fine now."

The thick white bandage was gone, replaced by a thin cotton wrapping. I felt like I had been forced several elixirs, because my stomach was not happy.

 "I don't care. Elwin's orders. Don't move, I'm going to tell the others!"

She pranced out of the room and I could hear her down the hall, rapidly explaining my predicament in a loud, excited voice.

Biana raced into the room, holding a half-eaten ripplefluff. She threw her arms around me the best she could without crushing me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're awake, thank goodness! Bullhorn fell asleep next to you!"

Panic was woven into her voice, and she looked pale and sleepless like I usually do. Dex and Keefe entered the room next, followed by Sophie and Elwin.

"Dude, how many times are we all going to almost die?" Keefe joked. Nobody answered. "Whatever, bangs boy. Just don't do it again."

Biana was back in the chair, holding my hand again. Dex was twisting and un-twisting a clump of wires in his hands. He looked nervous and pale. The wires formed into a bird that flew around the room when he tossed it into the air. He caught it and dismantled it as quickly as he had built it. 

"Don't panic," Dex said, "But I just got a report that the Neverseen burned down Foxfire."

"How are we supposed to not panic? The Neverseen just attacked a prominent structure in our world!" Fitz dragged a hand down his face and paced around the room. I was about to speak up, which I try not to do, when Alden sprinted into the room.

"You must all leave. The Neverseen are at the front gate. There is a reason to worry!"

Everyone panicked. If Alden said there was a reason to worry, the world was ending. Linh and Biana grabbed me and hauled me to the leap master.

Then councilor Oralie hailed Sophie.

"This is that last call. The Neverseen have taken over Eternalia, and I fear the Elvin world is crumbling. Go into hiding, and get out while you can. My Moonlark, take flight. I'm so sorry."

The call was cut off by a plume of fire. Sophie screamed and dropped her imparter, tears already slipping down her face.

I ripped off my registry pendant.

Everyone else did too.

Our world was crumbling, and we were the only ones who could put it back together.


Trying to Survive Sucks: A Tiana KOTLC adventure.Where stories live. Discover now