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2 years ago...

A few months after your promotion had been quite something while the Golden Guard started to tolerate you and hasn't killed you yet. Well...you were quite bored, to say the least. It's been ages since you've been on a mission or out of the castle. You were itching for adventure. The only thing you've been doing is drinking crap tea and trying to socialize with the other guards which failed. To be fair you weren't saying anything you were just hoping someone would come up and talk to you. At the same time, you wished to be left alone. So the probability of befriending anyone besides the golden boy was non-existent. (Just like the therapy Belos gives to Hunter.)

You walked the around the same halls for months so you decided to go bother Goldie who was most likely to be in the library. As soon as you opened the door you bumped into head first, you guessed it...the Golden Guard. You fell back from the sudden impact.

"Hey! Watch where your-Oh it's you." The teen boy glared.

"Hello to you too." You said while rubbing the now red stop on your forehead.

"Do you always have to wear that thing?" You asked referring to the golden helmet causing you to probably have a concussion.

"Yes. Yes, I do it's a sign of respect to my predecessors and it makes me look cool." He said brushing off the "germs" from touching you.

You raised a brow. 

'Dork more like it.' You thought.

"Anyways we have a mission today so your accidental arrival is great timing," He started to walk away, "And get off of the ground would you? You look even more childish than usual."

You glared at the witch, "Rude much?" You jump on your feet racing down the hall.

Once you got caught up with the teen you stuck your tongue out and flipped him off.

"Race you, Golden boy! The last one to get to the front is a rotten Griffen egg!" You called to the boy behind you.

"Wha-Hey! No fair!"


You were sharing the staff as you two rode off to whatever you were supposed to be doing. You also had to ignore the strong urge to push the cheater in front of you off.

"So where are we going?" You asked.

"Oh right. We have to get some palistrom wood for Belos." He said

"Oh, ok. What does he need it for?" You asked

"That's none of your concern." He responded harshly.

You frowned, "It kinda is considering my new position."

You could sense him getting irritated under the mask, "Your position has nothing to do with it. I am your superior, you answer to me and me says no. I can do this myself but I have to bring you along because Belos commands it. You're not important. Not to this mission or to anyone."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 (ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜᴀʀᴅ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now