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H/c = Hair color

S/c = Skin color

H/ t = Hair texture 

You stirred in your sleep, and a hand lightly shook you, "Hey Bug, time to wake up. C'mon sleepy head." 

You yawned and mumbled gibberish as you rubbed your eyes. 

"G'morning Bug. How'd you sleep?" 

You opened your eyes and smiled, "Morning Papa. I had a funny dream about a little red bird and a boy with yellow hair. They were funny." 

Your father smiled ruffing your already messy h/c, h/t hair. As expected from a 7-year-old. He towered over you, with fluffy h/c brushing over his golden eyes matching his s/c.

"Hmm, really? You'll have to tell me all about it at breakfast." He said picking you up and heading out of your room to a small bathroom down the hall. 

He plopped you down and reminded you to brush your teeth and head downstairs for breakfast before walking away. You took your Griffen toothbrush and proceeded to get refreshed. Once you washed your face and dried it with a towel you saw your reflection in the small mirror. You gave a toothy smile to yourself, the mirror reflected back your messy hair, Niffler pj's, and your smile which had a couple of teeth missing. You looked at your reflection wondering what you would look like when you were older. You headed downstairs still in your pj's, singing a silly little song you just made up. 

Once you got to your small kitchen you sat down at the table eagerly awaiting your breakfast as a wonderful smell filled the air. Your father looked back to see some strands of your hair sticking up from behind the cabinets. He chuckled to himself as he saw your face lighten upon seeing the breakfast he had made. You practically were drooling at the sight of the fairy-eyed crepes and crispy bacon. 

Your father placed two more plates of crepes and bigger portions of bacon and a side of egg down on the table across from you. You heard footsteps from the stairs and gave a smile at the sight of your mother. She yawned, her h/t hair was as wild as yours but a different color. If anything you were a spitting image of your father except for your eyes. She greeted you both and sat down, your father did the same. You happily ate away at the crepes while kicking your feet. You bumped the table by accident and your mother gave you a glare.

"No kicking at the table Y/n. This isn't the park."She scolded.

You apologize, then ate your heart away while lightly kicking your feet under the table. 


After breakfast your studies were next. You were homeschooled, and you weren't allowed to go outside after a limited amount of time. You spaced out through most of it only becoming interested in the mentioned creatures. Once that was over you were allowed to go outside with your father. Your mother put on a timer and went back inside.

You grabbed a bunch of your toys you left outside from the day before, all creatures of course.  And your favorite one of all Sir Bubbles the platypus. He was a small-ish toy made of wood that your dad made with some light green paint for the body and a darker green circle around his eye. He also had brown paint for the tail, bill, and feet. You saw it in a fantasy book and were absolutely smitten. He was your right-hand man. You gathered them all up and form them in line with Sir Bubbles at your side. You got up and grinned at your army. You quickly grabbed a branch from the floor and pointed it at your dad.

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