Chapter 14

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Tanjiro's POV

Do you ever just wish you could drop kick a girl? I do. I wish I could yeet Raquel into another dimension, maybe the backrooms. She definitely cannot be hitting me like that, for rejecting her? Like is she okay? And how would she expect me to react after she said me and Muichiro had a K-drama moment? Gosh, girls are so confusing. 

After the car ride back, Muichiro and I decided to just hang out at my house for a bit. But as usual, you cannot enter the estate before passing through security.

"WHOS THAT." Hanako pointed at Muichiro dramatically, as if discovering a new specimen. Shigeru followed right behind her. 

"Tanjiros... girlfriend?" He said, and Hanako giggled. 

"Ooooh! What's your name!" Hanako hopped from one foot to another, and Muichiro gave her an awkward smile, but before he could even say anything, Nezuko arrived.

"Bye!" She dismissed, waving them off. They both grumbled as they trudged back to whatever they were doing before. "The other day Kanao came over, and they asked if she was a Russian spy." She shrugged her shoulders to match the 'I have no idea what these theories are' type of discussion. "Anyways, Tanjiro, Tanjiros Boyfriend," she gestured for us to follow her, and me and Muichiro avoided each others glances, out of embarrassment and possible confusion. I don't know about him, but I wasn't very confused. I realized soon enough just what I wanted. And it wasn't Kanao.

I laced my fingers through his as we followed Nezuko up to her bedroom, where she sat us down and brought up the taboo subject casually as ever. "So." She started, producing a notepad out of nowhere. "Welcome to couples therapy." 

If I had a drink in my mouth right now, I would have spit it out. My eyes widened, and from what I could tell Muichiro was shocked too, for he squeezed my hand tighter. 

"What therapy?" I forced out after a few seconds, and Muichiro dropped my hand as if worrying it'll look more suspicious. Nezuko raised her eyebrows as if she didn't see the problem, and took out her pink ball-point pen. 

"What's wrong?" A smirk soon appeared upon her previously innocent gaze, and she clicked the pen on. "You guys are together, aren't you?" A few steps sounded up the stairs and the door to Nezukos bedroom soon opened, presenting Kanao.

"Hi Nezuko! And Tanjiro? And..." her voice faded away as her eyes met Muichiros, and she walked in further with a much slower pace, as if she were to step on a Lego at any moment. 

"Hii! I invited you here for a specific reason!" Nezuko said in her cheery voice. Oh Nezuko, you really like torturing me, don't you? Ah, sibling love really is something else. A bit of panic spread throughout my nerves. A flight instinct. Kanao sat down next to me and I gave her a lopsided smile, not a positive one though. Muichiro shrank back as if he wanted to disappear once Kanao seated herself, and dipped his head down as if trying to hide his face with his choppy bangs.  

"Anyways," Nezuko started, resting the tip of her pen upon her paper as if she were ready to study for an exam. She peered upon her victims, (me and Muichiro) before giving Kanao a sad smile. "Tanjiro, do you love Kanao, at all?" Ice ran down my spine, and Muichiro shrank back farther, as if his flight instinct kicked in as well. 

I have to lie. I just have to. Kanao looked at me patiently, her smile burning into my eyes, and I felt trapped, scared, what will happen now? What do I say? I swallow and put on my signature grin, but this time a bit smaller than usual. 

"Well," I start, and Kanao and Nezuko narrow their eyes. Muichiro remained looking at his lap, doing anything to stay out of the conversation. "I like Kanao, she's an amazing person, and I enjoy spending time with her!" I say, forcing myself to remain calm. Don't make a face. Don't shake. Don't blow your cover. "But," Kanao's eyes narrowed further, and her smile faltered. "I feel that it's too early to call it love." Her face returned to normal, and Nezuko scribbled something into her notebook. 

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