Chapter 21

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Tanjiro's POV

It's always strange to wake up in the morning with no memory of the other night. Perhaps I was too tired. My eyes widened at the sight of Muichiro, snuggling against me with his head dug into my chest. I smiled, rubbing his back. How'd he end up here? 

"Muichiro..." I mumbled in his ear, hoping he'd wake up. "It's time for school." He grumbled something that I couldn't understand and buried himself into me more. "I thought I was the one who couldn't wake up in the morning!" I laughed when he let out a loud disapproving wine, shaking his head.

He squinted at me, almost glaring. "No! No school." 

"Aw, come on. Let's not skip too much of it." He shook his head no again, and I just let him rest a bit longer. "Five more minutes." I said, earning myself a 'happy' sound. 

"TANJIROOOO!" Nezuko stormed in, probably because she didn't see me at breakfast. "WAKE UP. MUICHIRO YOU ASWE- why is Muichiro here??" I shushed her, but it was too late. Muichiro was already wide awake. He glanced at her, surprised. "Hey, I'M the one who's supposed to be surprised here... not you!"

"Nezuko... please just don't say anything about it to Mom and Dad, Okay?" I ask, and Muichiro grips to me tighter, probably nervous for what she's going to say. 

"Okay... but are you guys naked? Because if you are then I want money." She smirked, and I just blinked at her, a blush creeping up on me. Muichiro hid his face, probably embarrassed by that too.

"I- no." I lift up the blanket, revealing my outfit from yesterday. She shrugs her shoulders and walks out. I turn to Muichiro, who still seemed fairly embarrassed about it all. He wasn't even looking at me. "Nezuko is so random... c'mon, let's just get going." He agreed this time, following me out of my bed and getting a sweatshirt on.

"What are we going to do? Surely I'm not supossed to be here?" He asked, pulling the backpack straps over his shoulders. 

"Well... the kitchen isn't right next to the stairs. If I go down, you can go down as well, but quietly, and turn the other corner to the living room. Maybe then you can leave through the door there. I'll skip breakfast and grab something for both of us, so we can eat and walk together."

He nodded, following me down the carpeted steps to the first floor. I turned back to watch as he sneaked over to the living room. "Hey, what's for breakfast?" I ask, trotting into the kitchen. Nezuko watches me closely, probably thinking of what I'll owe her for her silence.

"Just some fruit and..." mom watches as I grab an apple and a banana from the fruit bowl. "What are you doing?"

"I have to get to school faster for a make-up assignment. So I have to skip breakfast, sorry!" I dash out, not letting mom say anything else. Thankfully, dad wasn't there. If he was, I'd probably get lectured on how rude that was. 

I ran down my driveway, seeing Muichiro sitting down by the mailbox, picking at his fingernails. "Hey!" I approach, holding out the two fruit options. "This is what I got for us. Which one would you like?" He tilted his head to the side, probably thinking about it.

"The banana, I guess." He decided, taking it from my hand. 

"Alright!" I said, before taking a bite out of my apple.

We ended up stopping ever so often on the way there, just to chill for a moment so we didn't end up arriving too early. Still earlier than Nezuko, though. Once inside the building, we said our goodbyes, separating into the different classrooms for home room. I patiently awaited the morning announcements. 


Ah, yes. Orchestra class. ((The best of course)) People either hate it or love it. No in-between. I love it. It seems that Muichiro does too. We got our seats re-assigned today, and I was delighted to see that I was stand partners with Muichiro now. "Well," he started, slightly smiling to himself. "How is it? The viola section." He glanced at me, and I observed that I, a violinist, was indeed right next to the viola section. 

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