Chapter 16

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Muichiro's POV

Today, I had to go to school without Tanjiro. He broke his arm.

I didn't really realize how nice it was to have him there until he wasn't anymore. I missed him dearly, but couldn't help but feel ridiculous- because it's only a few hours. I've survived the other days without him before. But now, it just felt lonely. It's like giving a kid chocolates for the first time, once every week on schedule after— before taking them away. I shivered in my loneliness. How sad. I actually have to sit with the group in the cafeteria today.

Don't get me wrong, they're alright, they're all great people... but I'm heavily biased. Genya had news today. He claimed he couldn't share it at lunch, so I was happy to leave the table near bra-girl for a while. He told me he found out who it was. I was almost jumping in excitement and never ending curiosity, but his answer calmed me down immediately. It confused me.

"It was... Kanao." He cringed, and my eyes widened. I expected that— but I also didn't. I was furious, but also felt stupid. It was a 50/50. He rested his hand on my shoulder, his mouth pressing into a straight line. "Let's not say anything when we get back, okay?" I nod and we enter the lunch room again, sitting down in our respective seats. Kanao looked down, and sweat was beading on her forehead. A drop slipped down her temple and dripped off of her chin.

She knows.

I gulped, shakily lifting up a piece of my tortellini. Yuichiro came back the other day, was it Tuesday? To take care of me when I told him I potentially cracked my head. He wasn't satisfied. He told me he was away at a friend house, because he was bored of living with me. I was pretty offended by that, but tried to not let it show. He'd make fun of me. 

"What." Kanao suddenly spoke, her voice like a low grumble. I realized I looked like I was staring at the pimple on her chin whilst thinking about whatever. 

"Nothing," I reply, digging into my lunch. "I zoned off." She nodded and continued to eat, and Nezuko looked at her with concern. Does Nezuko know? I don't think so... by the way she looked like she genuinely didn't know why her best friend was so stressed, I could tell she didn't. 

Genya exchanged looks with me, before whispering something to Senjuro. Senjuro muffled a gasp, and looked at me with that pity again. Pretty sure anyone who hasn't been crowned 'the chosen one' of Kanao's little joke would've been.

Now Inosuke, who was deemed to be observant at the perfectly wrong timing, had to speak up. He just had to. It was only natural he did, considering that everyone was acting strange. At least that's how he probably perceived it.

"WHY IS EVERYONE STARING AT EACH OTHER LIKE THAT." He said, still chewing. His voice loud by his terribly scratchy vocal cords. Zenitsu looked at him in pure confusion, and Nezuko seemed to be asking the same question as Inosuke. What's going on here?

Kanao shrinks down further, her eyes never leaving her purple jeans. Nezuko's eyes narrowed, and she tapped Kanao's shoulder. "Kanao..." she lifted up Kanao's head by her chin, an action ever so familiar to me. "What's wrong?" Her voice was like a combination of concern and warning, if that's even possible. Kanao pushed her hand away and sat up into standing positron, before turning around and dashing outside of the room. Several students' heads turned to look at her curiously, before returning to munching on whatever they were munching on, paying no more mind to her.

Nezuko just followed her, probably desperate for an answer.

Tanjiro's POV

My parents were very upset when they found out I 'got into a fight.' Pretty sure they thought I started it. It was unfair, really. Why did I have to get hurt, when Kaigaku was in the wrong? I didn't really have any regrets, though. Despite being grounded, with no phone. For 5 days.

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