Chapter 6

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Muichiro's POV

My eyes peel open ever so slowly at my 6:30 alarm. 

Please no. I crawl out of bed slowly, doubling back on 'oh yea I have school today'. I trudge over to the bathroom, and take a good look in the mirror. My hair is a birds nest, my eye bags are like dark purple and I also seem to be blinking one eye at a time. Creepy. I scrunch up my nose at the taste of my mouth. Why does it taste so goddamn bad? I practically crawl down the stairs and up onto my chair before readjusting myself to face a very lively Yuichiro. 

"Do you want steak and eggs? He asks, pushing his plate towards me, where he prepared a 2 person meal. I grab a fork from the table and stab the piece of steak. 

"It's 6:30." I grumble, envying his ability to be so fresh at this time of day.

"Umm.... Okay?"

"It's 6:30 in the morning. 6:30. In. The. Morning." I repeat, trying to cue him in to the fact that he might be an alien. He rolls his eyes and scrapes the rest of the eggs and steak into his mouth. I give him a pissed off expression. "Thanks for the 1 by 1 cm piece of steak, brother, it was veeeery filling," I grumble once more. He just smirks proudly.  

"Quality over quantity, lil' bro." He snickers while gliding away. I stick out my tongue at the corner he disappears behind. The song 'Dumb Ways to Die' was replaying in my head. Well, I have one. Going to school with Chase. I drink from Yuichiro's unfinished OJ as I get up from the table, my stomach growling immediately. It's too early for this.

God I wish it was Saturday. Why does it feel so much like a Saturday?

I go back up and prepare myself for the day ahead. I try my best to come up with a new word for today. It's like a game.

Why-isn't-it-Saturday Wednesday. Perfect. As I get out of the house, I notice a message written in chalk, with pretty and loopy handwriting.

Stay away from Tanjiro.

I roll my yes, knowing this is probably Yuichiro trying to troll me. How would Yuichiro know about Tanjiro, though? I push the thought at the back of my head, not wanting to think about such things at the moment. As the roads get busier, I get more and more annoyed at the thought of approaching school. The big ugly building reaches my line of sight, the bricks it's built of seeming to dirty as the years go by. My eyes wander to the maroon doors, as many people continue to walk in. I trudge through slowly, making my way to my ruined locker. Raquelle stood a cross from it giggling at all the stuff written on it. I just roll my eyes and spin my combination.

"Very accurate, right, freak?" She said, almost making me jump. I ignore her and open the door. "It's rude to ignore people, wouldn't you agree?" She adds, an angry tone forming in her voice. I finally turn around and give her an exasperated look. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the energy for this right now."

She glared with an expression of potentially the highest level of judgment, and turned on her heel, walking- or should I say clacking away finally. I smile to myself as I exchange my folders for the ones needed. Suddenly, I felt the sunny energy of Tanjiro approaching me. I turned around and immediately saw him standing face to face with me, like 2 feet away.

"Muichiro!" He exclaimed, making my face heat up for some fawcking reason. I met his eyes, which looked even cooler up close. 

"Hello..." I reply, shoving a piece of hair that was in my face behind my ear. I hope I don't look like Y/N doing that. I cringe, getting PTSD of the Harry Styles fanfic I read the other night. Why do people think Mafia boss stuff is hot???

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