Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil (Part 2)

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Cheer Practice (A Few Hours Later)

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Cheer Practice
(A Few Hours Later)

Well, my fellow Vixens and I were in the middle of practicing our routine for the pep rally. And thank God I'm not one of the girls twerking, because I would've definitely given Cheryl an argument over that. But suddenly, the music stops and we all stop dancing, seeing Cheryl standing in front of us, clearly not happy.

Cheryl: *hands on her hips* Stand down, Vixens. And listen up. The weather's predicting a downpour the night of the rally, but already, you're raining on my parade. With Jason so present in our collective consciousness, all eyes will be on me. Will this beautiful, exotic, hothouse flower drown under the town's scrutiny, or be swamped by her emotions? The answer, Ladies, is "no" and "no." That said, I need star power. I need the Pussycats. Stay loose and limber, Ladies, while I make a call. *walks away*

Can't we do anything without Josie and her howling felines? I sigh softly and sit down on the floor, stretching my legs. While I was stretching, I looked over and saw one of the new girls stretching beside me. I recognized her from a couple of my classes, and she kinda reminded me of Betty. She was sweet, innocent looking, and had gorgeous blonde hair.

Tammy: *smiling softly, stretching* Hi.

Jodie: *smiles back* Hi.

Tammy: I'm Tammy. What's your name?

Jodie: Jodie. Are you new to Riverdale?

Tammy: My parents and I moved here during the summer.

Jodie: Cool.

Tammy: Hey, do you mind helping me stretch?

Jodie: *shrugs* I guess not. *starts standing up when she does, her eyes widening a little when she lifts up her leg, laying it on Jodie's shoulder* Wow,'re very...flexible.

Tammy: *smiles* Thanks. I used to cheer at my old school. Mind holding my hips?

I just basically stare at her like an idiot as my shaking hands lay on her hips, watching her lean her body closer to mine. Why is my mouth watering right now? I mean,...I know why. Like, I'm not a virgin, but I haven't been with anyone since my ex, who's the only one I've ever been with. Trust me, I got a few offers after our breakup, but I don't know. It never felt right, so I just kept it to the occasional makeout session. But right now, with Tammy's leg on my shoulder and her body pressing against mine, I'm ready to get down and dirty in the freaking locker room.

Tammy: After I'm done, want me to help you stretch?

Jodie: *chuckles a little* Yeah, if you want. I'm not quite as flexible though. You're going to have to go slow and easy on me.

RIVERDALE: Jodie "JJ" Jones's Story (Season One) Where stories live. Discover now