Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness (Part 4)

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Riverdale High School (Day 4)

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Riverdale High School
(Day 4)

The next day at school, Jughead and me went to the student lounge to meet up with Betty. As soon as the three of us were alone, she began telling us everything that Trev told her last night on their "date". After she finished, she started talking about the conversation she had with her dad about Polly, after she came home.

Jodie: *sitting on the couch with Betty, placing her hand on the top of her hand, holding it* I'm sorry, Betts.

Jughead: *sitting on the chair beside them, frowning softly* I'm sorry too. That's hardcore.

Betty: *holding Jodie's hand* I asked my dad if I could call Polly. He said she was doing better. But then, when she heard about Jason's death, she had a big setback. He doesn't want to risk another one.

Jughead: Why does a rich kid sell drugs? *stands up, walking around a little*

Betty: He was running away from his parents.

Jughead: Yeah. Probably. *pauses* Or drug dealers.

Betty: *eyes widen* Oh my God. Is that possible?

Jughead: It's a theory. Yours is more likely.

Jodie: Technically, it was my theory first.

Jughead: Okay. But why would he have to run away from mommy and daddy?

Jodie: Because they're monsters from Hell.

Jughead: Yeah, but why, specifically.

Betty: Well, we can't exactly just ask them. *pauses* So we have to ask Jason.

Jughead: Are you proposing a seance or...?

Jodie: Hell no. You get possessed that way.

Betty: *shakes her head* No. Dead men tell no tales. But their bedrooms, their houses...they do.

Jodie: *eyes widen a little* You wanna snoop around Jason's bedroom?

Betty: *nods* It makes sense. And we can do it tomorrow during the service.

Jodie: Okay, and what are you going to do if Cheryl or her parents catch you?

Betty: I'm pretty sure Mr. and Mrs. Blossom will be too busy with their guests to even notice we're there.

Jughead: That still leaves Cheryl.

Betty: Which is why one of us needs to keep her distracted. And I think we all know who can keep Cheryl's undivided attention. *looks at Jodie*

Jodie: *tries not to blush* What can I say? I'm a great conversationalist. *says sarcastically* I hope you know what you're doing, Betts.

RIVERDALE: Jodie "JJ" Jones's Story (Season One) Where stories live. Discover now