|°CHAPTER 27°|✔️

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"You are trouble maker" Aditi whispered yelling at Aravind who was standing next to her in all his glory

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"You are trouble maker" Aditi whispered yelling at Aravind who was standing next to her in all his glory.

He leaned to the wall with a notebook in his hand, his right leg in the wall behind.

His black shirt made it hard for Aditi to take her eyes off that man and him smiling at her as if he were ready to swap her away and make her his.

Aravind staring at her was not something new but the other times he would stare at her only when she looked away not like this.

"I was just asking doubts pringles!" He casually said spinning the notebook in his hand

"Aye, sir! That's why we have a Sunday study session to clear your doubts! Look now we both are sent out of the class" Aditi told and folded her hands across her chest leaning against the wall

"I was busy realizing how beautiful you are and how dumb I was to not realise it earlier" Aravind said and Aditi immediately stepped in his foot with her foot making him whine in pain

"Ahh" he whined and looked at Aditi and she showed her tongue knowing she spoiled his white shoes.

Aravind immediately stepped on her foot making her give one on his shoulders

"Ouch" she hissed

"Go away!" She said and started walking with her bag.

"Hey stop la!" He yelled running behind her.

Aditi turned around, her tomato-red Anarkali top twirled along with her, making him smile.

Her eyes wandered around, his slender fingers running through the railings, her hair bouncing as she ran.

Aravind could not help but take a deep breath and look at her again.

Making his pace quicker, he jogged towards her and held her arms pulling her towards her.

Her hands ended up resting on his chest, his hands still holding her arms.

"One date Aditi please?!" He asked

Aditi could feel his hot breath fanning her face, he smelled like a summer rain and Aditi found warmth in it.

"You don't have to Aravind!" Aditi told, her eyes meet his
Looking so deep into it as if his eyes held oceans and she was a fish trying to find solutions and answers.

"I want you!" He whispered back pushing that one hair strap on her face back behind her ears

Aditi was aware that there in the middle of the college campus and anytime her teacher, classmates, or friends let go of them she was sure any time his own sister would walk in.

"Say yes!" He asked, his eyes all small and curiously looking at her face for answers

"What if I say no?" She asked

"I am sure you won't break my heart!" He said

And that was the problem, Aditi was not sure if he would break her heart too.

"Yes! But My girls will join us" Aditi said

"I asked for a date, not a friend's outing!" Aravind said and scrunched his nose

Aditi gently pushed him away through his chest smiling.

"Will ask keerthana and let you know!" She told walking backwards and Aravind nodded

"I hope my sister does not mess it up for once!" He said

"And I hope my friend knows her brother well!" Aditi added walking away.

It was new! Everything was new.

She and Aravind felt new to her and that kinda scared her

Being his friend Aditi knew she wouldn't lose him by any chance but then this un-named relationship they were planning to get into was something Aditi was not sure about.

Aditi knew keerthana a Lil too well that she knew she was going to be a supportive sister and that's the reason Aditi agreed to the date.

It was not about the date, it was about the concern.
She wanted her friends to know what was happening in her life and also she was curious to know what was running in Aravind's mind.

Aravind was a guy who took everything easy and that was also a point that made Aditi struggle.

What if she was easy for him?

It was so complicated in her mind that she decided to message keerthana and then ignore her phone notifications and sleep for a while.


Here, Aravind sat in front of keerthana

"She said, she will ask you!" Aravind said and keerthana nodded taking a sip from her strawberry milkshake which Aravind had to bribe her with.

"She just messaged! I will let her go with you this time but make sure you don't do anything stupid also I won't let her know u bribed me with milkshakes!" Keerthana stood from the table and Aravind nodded at her.

Both the siblings nodded at each other as if they had done some great mafia business.

Keerthana Went to their flat and saw Aditi sleeping walking into the room She also noticed a chocolate box and a note on the side table.

"Let your brother on a date! Pls(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)"

Keerthana could not help but smile at them, seeing them bride her with a milkshake and chocolates to let them date.

Neither will he confess nor will she admit, keerthana laughed at the gorgeous mess her brother and friend were in.






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