Chapter 4

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Owen stayed up all night with Kai, pressing wet towels to his face to keep him as cool as possible. He was surprised when he shifted in his sleep, and by how he refused to let Owen leave. In his feverish delirium, he held into Owens arm like it was his life support.

He didn't mind, though. Kai needed some form of relief and Owen seemed to be the only thing that helped. Besides, this beat going back to the warehouse to gather evidence with the rest of his team.

Alice came back into the room in the morning, griping about the visiting hours and being forced to leave. She threw her patch-covered bag onto the unused bed and tossed Owen an apple. "How's he doing?"

"He got worse in the night. He's so hot even I'm sweating." He bit into the apple, grateful for the food. "Do you mind if I ask you some things? Amy texted me some questions for you since she's busy in the lab today."

"Sure. Word of advice, though, don't call it the lab." She looked at Kai, who was sleeping fitfully still. "Bad memories attacthed to that name."

"Oh. Yeah, sure." He set his apple in his lap and picked up his phone. "Okay, first question. Do you know your family medical history?"

She thought for a moment. "Uhh, shit let me think. I think my mom had PCOS and some mental health issues. I don't know about my father though."

"Okay, let me type that out." Typing with one hand was slow, but he eventually got it done. "Any surgeries or procedures before?"

"Not for me. Kai might've. It's been a while since I left." She ran her hand through her hair. "There's so much I don't know about him anymore."

Owen looked down at him. He was kind of cute sleeping, with his hair all ruffled and his lips slightly opened. He wondered how someone could hurt their own child. He couldn't imagine it.

"So, what's next?"

Owen looked back at his phone. "Right. Vaccines?"

"Nope. Our father used his own forms of prevention of disease, which was isolation, and I hate doctors so I don't go to them."


She shook her head. "Nope. I don't even like being here.  I'm just staying until Kai gets discharged."

"Fair enough. Okay, next question."

Owen continued on asking questions and getting answers from Alice, though she didn't know much about medical history for Kai in the past years. Eventually he was done and he sent his list of answers to Amy.

Alice went to go get Owen some more food because his stomach was rumbling loudly, which he was thankful for. He was hardly done with breakfast when Amy opened the door. "Good news!"

Alice jumped to her feet, startled by the sudden appearance of the doctor. "Shit, lady, learn to knock."

Amy chuckled and entered the room, clipboard in hand. "Sorry, Alice. Just have some news."

"What is it?"

"I figured out what was being injected into Kai from the collar. It's a sedative, which I figured it was. He's been drugged for at least a week with the amount left in the little vial we pulled out of the collar." She put one hand in her pocket and pulled out a small test tube. "This is what I came here for, though."

Alice looked at it with her arms crossed. "What is that?"

"This is a heat suppressant. I cooked it up based on the ones we used for some of our omegas." She looked to Alice. "With your permission, since you're next of kin and he's currently incapacitated, we'll inject this into him and it should suppress his heat. It's not a permanent solution but it'll get him on his feet."

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