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Quirkless, always so useless, they don't have the power the rest of the world does

They cant be heros, they can't do anything the others can

There shunned, hurt, threatened, abused

Few gave them the time of day let alone cared for them

They got disowned and abandoned

This dwindled the population of the original human to 5% of the current population of 11.3 billion

This is where izuku sat on the food chain

The very bottom of the food chain

Izuku was small, stunted growth due to malnutrition

He was frail

Being beaten by everyone he's come across

Old friends, his mother, his father, his sister

All deem him worse than dirt, not worthy to even lick their boots

But izuku lives on despite the efforts to end him

Izuku went under the radar as much as he could, learning tricks to hide from those around him

He was light on his feet barely making a sound as he walked, he hid his face and any defining features

He hid in plain sight

But even he had things he enjoyed

And the thing he enjoyed the most was watching heroes fight

Each one was unique with a different hero and a different villain

He stood in the crowd with a hood over his head as he watched mount lady come in mid-fight and kick an equally big man off a bridge

Although she destroyed a building, no one cared

Izuku lost interest as she began her fanservice and continued walking to school

He learned long ago that the front door was a death trap

So he took an alternative route to school going around the back instead, going over the wall that surrounded the school

He goes in through a back door that is normally locked

But izuku had fashioned himself a key a while back

Unlocking the door he goes up the back stairs hardly used by anyone

He enters the class with a large group of students, he didn't touch anyone and went unnoticed as he sat at his desk

He kept his head low and didn't make a sound taking out  a pencil and a notebook

He immediately started writing

The class had yet to start

But as he was writing he got interrupted by someone grabbing him by the neck and lifting him out of his chair

It's hard to stay hidden if someone is looking for you

??: you gain some weight shrimp? Gonna have to tell your parents to feed you less

Katsuki bakugou, once a friend but now the worst enemy

He was often at izukus house, treated as the son they never had, a brother that was always wanted, more family than izuku's blood relation

Bakugous hand sizzled on izukus neck

Bakugou: what's wrong deku, at a loss for words?

Izuku never responded, he knew it would only make it worse

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