the sports festival

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The crowd was cheering as the first years entered an arena

Each class being called apon individually

Class 1a the class to survive the villain attack had the loudest cheering

Class 1b got the second

The business class got very little and the general class being only slightly higher

And the support course was in the middle

What they made was usually cool but quirks were always cooler

Mei: are you taller or is it just the suit

Izuku was in a pristine suit and was 2 and a half feet taller then usual

Izuku: I have the best in this suit

Mei: it makes your head looks small

Izuku wont matter when I wear the helmet

Mei: a helmet so doesn't go with a suit

Izuku: I'm not going to leave myself vulnerable for the sake of fashion

Mei: then why wear a suit?

Izuku:... cause the tech was lopsided and I wanted something to cover it up

Mei: well it still looks decent at least

Bakugou: I'm just gonna say I'm gonna win

They looked to the stage as the first years booed bakugo

Izuku: cocky as always

Mei: you ever gonna share you history?

Izuku: maybe one day

Midnight: it's time to choose the first event!

She said spinning the wheel she was next to

It slowly comes to a stop

Midnight: obstical course race!

Izuku: childs play

Mei: how fast can you run?

Izuku: I dont know, haven't gotten to full speed yet

Mei: no time like the present

Izuku: my thoughts exactly

Midnight: please line up at the starting line

She said pointing towards a tunnel

Izuku: this is gonna be fun

A helmet formed around his head

It was sliced and reflective like glass

A few kids looked at him as he was the only one to wear a suit instead of the standard gym uniform

Izuku was closer to the back of the group then he would have liked to be

He also lost track of mei along the way but that didnt matter

He heard the countdown over the intercom

His suit powered up with a his

He got in a running position


The ground cracked as izuku charged forward bulldozering everyone in his path, not even they ice stopped him as he gained momentum

Mi: a stunning show from class 1 a todoroki who has froze everyone in place, however this hasn't stopped suport course student izuku midoriya!! Who has just charged through all the students, and might I ad looks amazing doing so! Way to have style

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