a night out

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Izuku was at his workbench building something

He was whistling to himself

His phone goes off distracting him

He sighs as he picks it up

He ignores the messages from mei

Shiggi: hey I need you here tonight

Izuku: why

Shiggi: I'm trying to recruit someone to the league and I want you here

Izuku: I'm not apart of your league I just make deals with you

Shiggi: look I want this guy to think we already have powerful people so hes more persuaded to join

Izuku: I'm flattered you think I'm powerful

Shiggi: you coming or not?

Izuku: fine, what time should I be there

Shiggi: sundown

Izuku: mhmm and who are you inviting?

Shiggi: stain

Izuku: the hero killer interesting choice, fine I'll be there shortly

He puts his phone down with a sigh

Izuku: stain huh

He rolls over to his computer

Izuku: might as well know about him

He spent the next little while doing a bit of research

Izuku: theres no way he would join them, but he was right, the chances go up if I'm there

He looked at his watch

Izuku: might as well head out now

He grabbed his phone

Izuku: really should make some sort of means of travel eventually

He shrugged as he left his base

He was on his phone as he walked

Izuku: I could use a satellite, but launching a rocket unnoticed will bee near impossible, and I'd like multiple

He pondered as he made it into the city

The sun was nearing the horizon as he entered the bar

Shigaraki: good timing

Izuku: yeah, kurogiri you got a drink?

Kurogiri: you gonna pay this time?

Izuku: I'm here, that's payment enough

Shigaraki: you act like you being here is like us being graced with god or something

Izuku: might as well be, you have zero chance to recruit the hero killer without me

Shigaraki: I regret inviting you here

Izuku takes a drink

Izuku: I regret meeting you yet here we are

Kurogiri: why do we have so little chance of recruiting him?

Izuku: cause he has morals and a mission, we just want destruction

Shigaraki: if your in the same boat how do you raise our chances so much?

Izuku: because I'm smart

Shigaraki: god your such an asshole

Izuku: sure

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