always doing something

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Izuku was standing in the middle of his lobby

His bike was behind him and the entrance was to the left and the elevator to his right

He pressed a button and the wall across from him opened up revealing a large target

He pointed his human arm up

He was wearing a metal gauntlet

He opened the palm and shot out a short lazer burst that had a concussive force

He clenched the fist and the back of the hand extended and a lazer came out

He relaxes his hand and a missle extended from the back of the forearm and shot out exploding

Izuku: disappointing explosion

He made a fist but put his thumb to the side instead of the front

A small slot on the side of the forearm opens and a cord shot out

It plincked off the metal target and retracted back

Izuku: loss of power

He looked at the screen on the underarm

Izuku: I can make it better

He took it off and walked back to his elevator and went down to his workshop

He put the gauntlet down to the side

He then grabbed some sort of helmet that had so many wires connected to the top it looked like hair

He put it on

Izuku: test number... 3034

He pressed a button

He closed his eyes

Izuku turned it off and put down the helmet

Izuku: I need something better

He goes of to the computer and opens the settings

Izuku: this isnt nearly enough, all this testing and I still cant understand how the brain can be so small yet so powerful, I'd need a computer the size of Manhattan and a nuclear power plant to replicate it

He slams his hands on the table and goes to the elevator

He goes down to the bottom floor

He walks into a room

??: have you come to kill me?

Izuku: you know why I chose you? Because no one would notice your gone, theres not a lot of people like that and I'm not going to waist a subject cause they asked

They didn't respond

Izuku tested the human brain for the majority of the day

But the day ended izuku moved back to his workshop

Izuku: learning more discovering more to learn, what time is it?

He leaned over to the computer to check the time

Izuku: I guess it's close enough

He goes back to the elevator and goes up to his lobby

To find his bike in pieces

Izuku: oh yeah, I was upgrading that

He checks the time on his phone

Izuku: I could walk, or fix it and be late.... ah they always bitch so much when I'm late, and I want free booze

He said opening the door to leave

He began to walk towards the town

Izuku: I could try to make a personal flying machine, a jet pack wouldn't work but maybe something similar, but I'd want it small or I might as well use the bike

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