the things you do

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Izuku was at his works station again

A metal cap on his head with hundreds of small wires attached

His eyes were closed but every few seconds his neck would twitch slightly like he was being shocked

But this didn't last long as he stood up and threw the cap against the wall denying both it and the wall

Izuku: I dont get it! Why isnt this working!!

He said huffing

Izuku: trying to think faster isnt working trying to replicate the brain isn't working, what do I do!!

He flopped back into his chair

Izuku: there has to be some way to increase my brains capacity, once again the limits of my body haunt me

He said rubbing his metal arm

Izuku: if machines can't do it then what can? If I had the enhancement maybe I'd know

He rolled his chair over to his computer

He clicked off the random video he had playing

He looked up a few random things but couldn't find what he was looking for

Probably due to him not knowing what he was looking for

Izuku: this is frustrating

He took a swig from his flask but paused

He looked at his flask

Izuku: what if I...

He went back to his computer

Izuku: there are cases of people on heavy drugs seeing things and hearing things they shouldn't, if I develop a drug that opens my brain, that might help

He rolls over to the opposite side of the room

This side of the room had more chemistry components

He had a second computer here but it was small

He was looking at different ingredients, different compounds and different reactions

Running different simulations on the computer and in his head

Looking for the right composition

The right formula

Suddenly he stopped, looking at a formula on the computer

Izuku: this could work, but it will need to be tested

He typed into the smaller computer

And a machine next to him activated

The wall opened up and a conveyor belt of different chemicals was pushed out as it turned

A number of different ones were selected and poured spisific amounts into bottles or beakers

One in a boiling flask that immediately started cooking

Another was mixed and shaken with anouther

Izuku waited patiently

Izuku: this is one of of my best, saves so much time

The mixture was done eventually presenting izuku the final result in the form of a needle while putting the excess in a beaker

Izuku took the needle and pushed a drop out onto a small glass rectangle

He brought the rectangle over to a microscope

He looked it over carefully

Izuku: the results seem to be what was predicted

He took the needle and went into the elevator going down to the 4th floor

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