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I've waited so long. So long. Months after my birthday and I am finally ready to make my move. I am going to escape. For weeks I have been meeting with Loki and have him teach me magic. Apparently I was born with a knack for it, just like my grandmother, Frigga. I just needed a teacher to help me unlock it. I slowly walk towards the prison. My status of a princess puts me above suspicion. But if Thor should ever discover that I am meeting Loki he would immediately put and end to it. I put my hood up and prepare to enter the prison. Good, there are no guards. I walk towards Loki's cell and enter.

"Hello little one. Have you come to continue your acts of treason? To learn the acts of mischief and treachery." He laughs and asks me.

He has this glint in his eye. He knows something I don't.

"Tis not treachery nor treason. I am simply finding a way off this realm with or without your help. Uncle, you are the only one who knows the ways out of this realm. You will tell me how to escape."

He raises his eyebrow and laughs.

"The Princess wishes to leave her destiny and start a new path. Why walk amongst the mortals when you are in the company of immortals? It does not matter. I will help you."

He turns around and stares at the wall of his cell. "You will have to hide yourself from Heimdall in order to escape." he exclaims.

"How" I ask.

"A spell. Use your magic, will yourself to become invisible and you will become as you will." he answers.

He turns around and looks me in the eye.

"When you escape be careful of the mortals. They are most dangerous. Do not underestimate them. For I have grown very fond of you little enchantress and would feel sorrow of any harm were to befall you. I know of a portal off Asgard. I will show you through scrying. Look."

Through his scrying portal I see a crack a rift in the ground deep within Asgard-near Yggdrasil. It has a dark purple glow radiating from the center.

"The portal is only open at when the sun's rays fall upon the portal only then will safe passage be possible. Focus on a place, or a person in order to teleport to their location. It will take some of your magic in order to work. Be wary if you do not go at that time you could end up anywhere in the nine realms."

Loki faces me with interest.

"I will heed your words. Thank You for your help. I have one more request. I need you to find me children of the Avengers." Loki frowns.

"Of the Avengers? Is this what you truly wish? " I nod.

"Very well here is one the child of the Avenger Hawkeye."

I stare into his portal and see a boy about my age with white hair. He is carrying a bow and quiver of arrows, very strange for a human, they fancy their guns. I memorize his face.

"Thank You Uncle. I must depart now if I am to make it in time." I say.

"Take care. I will watch over you and ensure your passage out of Asgard." He replies.

I leave his cell and start walking towards Yggdrasil. I focus all of my magic on keeping me hidden. I notice my hands are glowing. The spell worked I am invisible. I am carrying my sword, that is all I shall need. Forgive me Father. As I walk I focus on the archer, the white haired boy. Is this a good plan, trusting the advice of Loki? Nethertheless I will follow through. My magic will protect me. As I approach the tree I immediately notice the crack. It is as Loki showed me. The sunset has begun. It is almost time. I stand over the crack and prepare to jump. This is it.

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