FRANCIS-"This Requires Coffee"

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*the picture above is just one of my favorite comic exerts that I just wanted to add because I don't have a picture for this chapter ):

James and Azari are in front of me discussing "leaderly" stuff. I don't really care about what they are saying... I made up the plan. As far as I'm concerned I'm in charge. "...dancing and diplomacy..." I hear those three little words fall out of Azari's mouth. Maybe I should be caring more about what they are saying. I interrupt their comversation. "What now?" I ask. "We were discussing the fact that you are going to have to practice your diplomacy skills and be prepared to dance at this event." James replies. "DIPLOMACY?!?! Why do I need diplomacy? I'm Henry's friend...not a traveling ambassador. I don't need diplomacy! I'm so charming everyone loves me!" James doesn't reply. He just sort of rolls his eyes then glares. I know what he is thinking. I've seen this look before. He's thinking "I'm going to kill you" but unlike me, he keeps those thoughts to himself. He actually has a filter (which is lame). "We aren't referring to your interactions with Henry, we are referring to your lack of ability to not offend the people that might be there. Including Doom." He thinks I'm gonna offend people? Me. Never. "Ok I'll try to not be sarcastic and happy? I'll try REALLY hard. And I won't call him Wittle Doomie." Azari seems a little startled. He's been around me for like two days, he should be used to my blazing sense of humor. He looks at James with a puzzled face. "Is he always like this?" He asks. "Usually worse." James answers. I scoff. I realize we are awkwardly standing in the middle of the hallway in complete silence just looking at each other. "Might we continue this riveting discussion in your room?" I ask. Azari nods. We enter his room. I sit on one of the two couches whilst James and Azari sit opposite to me. "So I'm glad we've cleared up the diplomacy issue. AND as for the dancing thing, I have MAD dancing skills." James rolls his eyes. "Really? How come I don't believe you?" He smirks. "When have I ever misled you?" I ask.
He doesn't even take time to ponder he just responds immediately. "When you convinced me Baskin Robbins served hot pretzels." I don't reply. That was one time. But I see his point. "Seriously though, I can dance." Azari looks me straight in the eye. "What kind of dance?" I need a moment to think about this. ...What's that song with the dude in the diaper shuffling.....and the dude with the eye patch coffee guy.....or the electron that's not it.
I clap my hands together. I've got it! "The Cupid Shuffle. Cotton Eye Joe. Electric Slide. I can do those." Azari puts his head in his hands. I think I broke Azari. "That's not gonna work." James mumbles. "What kind of dancing is it? And who thinks they are qualified to teach me. It better not be one of you two." I glare suspiciously at both of them.

~A/N~ I know next to nothing about dancing, so if I mix something up or say something wrong please let me know! I do theatre, but dancing is not my forte.

Neither of them respond. Azari just shakes his head and looks at James. I turn my attention to James. I can see straight through his attempt to show no facial expression. "I KNEW YOUR MOM TAUGHT YOU BALLET! I KNEW IT! She probably taught you other forms of dance as well..." He blushes and turns a vibrant shade of red to match his hair. "I can neither confirm or deny that she taught me ballet. But she did teach me a little bit of ballroom dancing." Azari bursts out laughing. "You are a terrible liar, James." He grimaces. "So was my dad." James replies. He wants to try to teach me Ballroom dancing. I just wanna see him try to dance. "If we are going to do this I'm gonna need coffee. Entertainment like this requires coffee." I abruptly get up and go to the kitchenette. Coffee here I come.

I just realized where my inspiration for the interaction between James and Francis came from and I wanted to note my appreciation. I thank the TV show "Avengers Assembled" for the interactions between Natasha and Clint that serve as an inspiration for the dialogue!

Any comments? If you liked it I would appreciate it if you clicked the little star (: Thx

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