TORRUN-The Price

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*The picture above is Kitty and the picture later in the chapter is Rogue*

After Francis knocks he starts to straighten his shirt and put his hair in order. I snicker a little. He has no idea I am watching.... I hear him take a deep breath as he waits impatiently for the door to open. I hear one of the girls yell "Just a minute!" and then I hear some loud shuffling and a crash. I shudder. That's right...they were trying to get ready...they won't be eager to help in while they look like they just rolled out of bed... Francis starts impatiently tapping his and looking up and down the hallway. He gives up with standing in front of the door, so he moves to the side and leans against the wall. After another ten minutes of waiting he sits down on the floor. Poor Francis...he just wants to be done with it and leave... Finally, The door opens and Rogue steps out. She has cleaned her up her makeup and is now wearing a see through mesh shirt with a tank top underneath, a black chocker, black pants, and large green combat boots. She blows a bubble from her purple lips and looks down at Francis in confusion. "Rough morning?" she asks. He rolls his eyes and nods. "You have no idea." he replies. "Ah'm getting a pretty good idea from the look of your that permanent marker?" she questions. She offers him a hand to help him get up off the floor. He takes it and she pulls him to his feet. " is...I was hoping one of you girls would be able to help me get it off....Azari has literally nothing in his room." he says. Rogue doesn't seem to hear him. "Are you supposed to be a clown?" she asks. He starts to get frustrated. "Why don't you ask James?" he coyly responds. Even in deep humiliation Francis is still his sassy self... "Ah' think ah might have something to help you get it off...wait here." she orders as she slams the door in his face. Francis looks devastated. ...He's been told off by two is just not his day... I hear some quiet whispers from the other side of the door. They must be deciding what to give him... This time, instead of Rogue opening the door all three girls come out. Kitty has her arms crossed and Jean is facepalming. They look on the brink of laughter, but they manage to stay serious. "Here's the deal Barton, We have what you need, BUT its gonna cost you." Kitty says. Francis glares at Kitty. "Name your price" he answers. Woah he must be desperate... to just submit like that... "You answer three of our questions with complete and utter honesty, then we give you the better tell the truth because Jean will know if you are lying." Kitty demands. I should've gone to get it...they are giving him so much trouble.... I frown and continue to watch the drama that is going on. He grits his teeth and glares at them. "Fine, but on three conditions. 1-You are not allowed to tell whatever information I divulge. 2- You give me the supplies Immediatly following my submission to your requests 3-The questions cannot be too terribly personal...Understood?" He offers. Kitty agrees and they awkwardly stand in the hallway. "Let's begin" Kitty says.


Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I need three questions and I would love it if you guys would help me come up with three (: I can't promise I will use the suggestion, but I would greatly appreciate ideas....(check out the comments to see what other users have suggested (: if you see one you like be sure to let me know!)

(I know it might seem a little immature, but remember Kitty is around 14, Rogue is around 15, and Jean is around 17- it was Kitty's idea )

Any comments? If you liked it I would appreciate it if you clicked the little star (: Thx

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