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Gotta keep control...gotta keep control... It is taking all of my concentration to control Henry. He has a strong will and is fighting back at me with all he has. We are walking with the mass of youth that have exited the ballroom. I can't stop myself from taking one look back. The red-head girl has something pointed at Francis' head. Is she threatening him? This split second of distraction is enough time for Henry to break away from my control. I feel his absence from my mind, but when I look for him I cannot find him. He must have used his powers... "Francis!" I yell. He doesn't seem to hear me. Instead he knocks the gun out of the girl's hand and starts to fight with her.  I start pushing through the crowd and try to make my way to her. I am knocked down by the "stampede." Francis...I've got to get to Francis... "We both want what is best for Henry!" I hear Francis yell. I push myself off the floor just in time to see Francis tackle the girl to the ground. "Stop fighting! I'm an Avenger!" Francis says to the girl. I finally make my way through the crowd. I reach up through the skirts of my dress and pull my sword from the hilt attached at my waist. I rest the tip of the blade at her throat. "Your next move could be your last." I retort coldly. She stops struggling. Francis looks at me with fear in his eyes. "Where is Henry?" he asks. How do I explain to him that I was more concerned about his safety rather than the safety of others...I do not like this weakness that I have... I completely ignore Francis and turn my attention to the girl whom I currently have under my complete control. "Who are you?" I ask. She stays completely silent and refuses to open her mouth. I will not look at Francis. "I lost him." I admit. I see something out of the corner of my eye. It is rapidly approaching us. I strain to see it because it is so small. "Francis! Look out!"I yell. It's Henry. Henry grows to a normal size and punches Francis. I let out a small gasp in shock. He has huge wings like that of an insect behind him. Francis quickly recovers from the punch and raises his hands into the air. "Stop it! We are here to help you! We can't let Doom get the Pym Particles!" he says. Henry crosses his arms and glares at Francis. "So that's why you are here? You didn't trust me enough to make sure that Doom didn't get ahold of the particles!" Henry exclaims scornfully. The girl on the floor speaks up. "If it makes you guys feel any better. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't trust Henry either... Can I get off the floor now?"She asks. I look at Francis for an answer. He shrugs. "She can't make things any worse..." he replies. I pull my sword away from her so she can get up, but I keep a close eye on her. Henry spits at the red-head's feet. "I should've suspected you." I really don't like Henry... We don't have much time, if Doom isn't on his way now he will be soon. Whatever force necessary... I prepare to lunge at Henry with the intention to knock him out. Let's finish this...

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