FRANCIS-The Office

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We follow the man who calls himself Charles Xavier into his office. He's a strange guy, with his bald head and that fancy wheelchair. I look at James. He seems a little nervous. Poor guy he must have never gone to High School. He obviously doesn't know what it is like to be in the principles office. Not that I would know anything about that. Okay it was a couple times... But how could I resist shooting people with soft tip heart arrows on Valentines Day? The look on their faces...PRICELESS. Especially since the heart arrows had a tip that immediately adhered to their clothing so they couldn't get it off. I start to smirk, but then Torrun gives me a stern look. "What?" I ask. Am I not allowed to smile or something? "I know why you have come here...." Charles starts to speak. " seek the other child of your parent's team, Azari." I look at him. "And you know that because of that telepathy thing you got going on right?" He glances at me. "Yes. I sensed your presence a mile away and was forced to look into your minds to see your intentions. I had to know whether you posed a threat to my students." Torrun nods and voices her opinion. "It makes would need to know our purpose in paying you a visit in order to allow us onto school grounds. I thank you for permitting us to enter." James seems to agree. "Alright, I hate to interrupt...but where's Azari? Can we talk to him? We got places to be and things to avenge." I'm impatient. I want to be as far away from this school as I can. "I will allow you to speak to Azari, but I have some terms. Nomally, I would not allow a student of mine to leave without my formal consent, but Azari is not an average student...He is the heir to Wakanda and he is one of my older students. I will allow you three days to convince him that he should join you on your quest, but if he refuses you may not force him to do anything he is uncomfortable with. Is that clear?" Xavier says. James looks at Torrun and I. I think its a fair proposal. I'm in. Torrun doesn't object so James goes right on ahead and answers for all of us. "We accept. How soon can we speak to him?" Xavier smiles and turns to his computer. "Currently he is in a training session with my X-Men, but they will be finished soon." James interrupts him. "WAIT A MINUTE. The X-Men? This is the home of the X-Men? Of course! I should have realized it sooner." I facepalm. It seriously took James 15 min to come to that conclusion? Torrun has an excuse, she's an alien. But Mr. Rogers has no excuse. Xavier laughs and starts to speak again. "While we wait for them to finish perhaps it would be best if you came up with aliases. The children at my school are VERY familiar with the Avengers. I would hate for you to be bombarded with questions and also I expect you want to keep your location secret. The only people who will know your true identities will be my X-Men and the staff." Makes sense. We can't have our identities exposed and risk being hunted. "Alright. Seems Legit." I say. Torrun seems puzzled. "If we need a fake name, and our identities our secret, then what is our alibi for being here? We are not mutants." She has a good point. "You are not mutants, but the students do not know that. You have gifts even if they are not a mutation. They will assume that you are mutants seeking refuge without you saying anything. Simply do not define the origin of your powers and no one will think otherwise." Xavier offers. Torrun nods and agrees. "Very well. Torrun Lafey is the name I take for myself." Strange choice. I've got no clue what that is, but it must have some significance on Asgard. Xavier types something into his computer. All of a sudden the printer starts going. "Here is your schedule. You have the same schedule as Kitty Pryde and will be her roomate for the next three days." He hands her a slip of paper. "I'll be James Murdock." James says. Murdock....Murdock...hmmm...that's a strange name, I'm not familiar with it. I'll have to ask him why he chose it later. Xavier passes him a paper. "Here is your schedule. You have the same classes as Azari, and you will be staying in his private quarters along with Francis. I asked him and he was more than willing to allow refugees a place in his apartment." Wait. He has an apartment?
"To answer your unsaid question Francis, Yes. Azari has a separate lodging area. His mother is Storm, a former teacher at my school and member of the X-Men. He has her quarters which still hold her belongings and furniture. He is also the prince of Wakanda so he is entitled to his privacy."
Ok. That makes sense. I do wish Xavier would stop invading my mind. Its getting annoying. "Francis, what name do you choose?" Torrun asks. I haven't thought about that. A name.... Hmmm.... something unrecognizable. "Francis Morse." I say. Nobody knows my mom, she never stood in the spotlight, that was all my dad. She was content to avenge from the shadows. Xavier prints another paper. "Here is yours. I have put you in the same classes as Bobby Drake. I think you will get along well..." He purses his lips. "Do try to stay out of trouble." Me in trouble? Ha. Funny of him to think of such a thing. I'm an angel... "Ah, they have finished their training. The X-Men will be arriving shortly, along with Azari." I turn towards the door. It's time to finally meet the Astonishing X-Men.

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