8 | Meeting Again

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"I'm honoured that you chose me, ma'am."

"We always want what's best for our students and there cannot be one other than you, Mr. Yeoman."

"I'm, but an ordinary writer and surely don't know if I deserve that honour, but I can assure you that I would try and do my best for the students too."

"Thank you, Mr. Yeoman."

"Thank you, ma'am," I ended the call.

The conversation was just as fresh in my mind as it'd happened only yesterday. It happened a week ago when I was checking my mail and ended up refreshing the inbox page for over half an hour, because hey, there not only sat an offer for me to take up, but also a proof that I was a good writer!

One of the city's best university - not where I was doing my MBA - had sent a request asking me to serve as a judge for the writing contest to be conducted at the college and also provide the winner an opportunity to post their story on my page, of course if I was all right with it.

Why wouldn't I be, man!? That meant people actually adored my works and by giving a chance to post the winner's story on my page I'd be helping a talent shine, wouldn't I?

Along with the request, Mrs. Diane, the college's literary club coordinator, had sent her mobile number to contact if I was ready to be the judge and I immediately did.

She told me that they weren't going to reveal that I'll be the judge for the contest till the date the winner will be announced. So, I'd refrained myself from posting anything on social media and got to my regular schedule as follows.

10 am - Online classes start.

12 pm - Classes end.

1 pm - Lunch.

2 pm - Class again.

4 pm - Finally free!

Thankfully it was Sunday today and no classes! So, I'd pretty much spent the whole day in my bed. At 4, I got to my computer and opened the page where I post my stories. I clicked on the last story, a couple chapters of which were still waiting for me to make the edits, but right now I wasn't interested in going through those 'tragically' ending chapters.

Instead, I clicked to create a new story and gave it the title 'Until I found you'. I started typing in the description and when I was done, a smile flashed in front of my eyes, making me smile too.

She knows me, that meant she's read my stories, right? Will she like this sudden change in my writing style? Because I usually wrote sad stories and this was going to be my first one with a happy ending.

I knew that after reading the description to this story, people will start talking things about me, like...the boy's fallen, or falling for someone, he's in love, or worse; make vulgar comments.

But I wasn't going to care, why? Because as much as I tried not to, I'd fallen for her. This might sound crazy, or even foolish, but was the truth. Only that, no one knows about it, not even my parents and there's no way on universe that she is going to know either.

I then re-read the description and checked with the title once, before publishing the thing and thought of a more appropriate one.

'Until; You Came Along'

Yeah, this story was going be my imaginary life with her and it's only right that I had at least the title to tell people the truth. I did nothing to find her, she came into my life and did something that no one could ever do - take my nightmares away.

It was only a week since I met her, but I had this feeling that those horror filled dreams wouldn't come near me hereafter, the reason for me to believe so? I haven't had them till today since the game night and I gave her the credits because she'd replace them.

Holding On to Silence Until; You Came AlongWhere stories live. Discover now