31 | The Appropriate Specialist!

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"I'm done," Hanna said.

"You're not getting away this time. Finish it fully!" I stated in an arguing manner. "If not, then straight to the doctor,"

Nearly a week, but her appetite hasn't improved yet and she often felt dizzy. Why wouldn't she if she didn't eat? And I kept reminding her that every now and then without caring if I sounded like a broken record.

As I and Ryan had talked before, he'd dropped at ours the next morning and we were about to take Hanna to the hospital, but the woman was simply too stubborn! She always relied on home remedies if she fell sick, that was what she was doing even now.

Naturally we let her treat herself, but since there was no visible progress with her recovery, Ryan kept blaming himself and dropped by every morning to check on her. I wonder what he told mom and dad about frequently being out during breakfast hours.

"He's right, sis." Ryan said.

"All right, I'll eat."

She proceeded to take a bite of her grilled chicken; a very, very small bite if I may add and I needn't say that it's unlikely of Hanna, she's the type to devour food!

I and Ryan watched as she chewed and swallowed the chicken, but just when I thought she'd take another bite after gulping what was in her mouth, her expression changed. She abruptly stood up from her chair and ran towards the kitchen. I and Ryan didn't waste time as we sprinted after her.

In the kitchen, we saw her heading to the sink and I realised what's happening. I got behind her and held her hair back with one hand while the other rested on her back in hopes to ease her discomfort.

She threw up the little food that she'd swallowed. The more she threw up, the more worried I got. I looked at her when she stood up straight, her face pale and eyes tired. That's it, hospital is where I'll be today and not the office.

"There's seriously something wrong with you. I won't listen to a word you have to say, we're seeing the doctor. Go get changed." I said, leaving no room for arguments.

"But you've work," Hanna said in a complaining manner.

"I don't care. I'm the boss, so might as well make use of my post."

"I don't understand why you don't wanna see one though, it's not like you have Iatrophobia," Ryan said.

"You know how I treat myself," Hanna replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Now that none of your home remedies had worked, doctor is a must." I gave her a look that'd put end to the argument, she sighed and got to our room.

"I wonder where she got her stubbornness from?" Ryan shook his head.

"She's not stubborn, just too determined." I took a deep breath and proceeded to clean the sink.

"Why did she run here instead of getting to the toilet?" Ryan mumbled while carrying the dishes back from the dining table.

"She knew she wouldn't be able to hold it in till then, this was close from where she was sitting." I said thinking that why did he ask that question in the first place.

"Still, she could've just___"

"Ryan, stop it." I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, understanding what was with him. "It's not your fault and I'm saying this for the last time. Stop blaming yourself and being guilty, if not I'm kicking you out of here."

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