35 | Delayed By An Hour

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"I'll be back before the end of this month, okay?" I said to Hanna, holding her close and tight.


That's all she has to say?

I pulled away from her and tugged at her chin to look at her. Her eyes were watery, but no tears were flowing out of them. I sighed.

If only it wasn't an important business deal that I've to go on this trip for, ugh.

Her PhD had just completed and now she runs a lab together with Issac. He has his own field to research in and Hanna her own. Anna who'd been working in an IT company till now was now managing things in her husband's and best friend's lab. They're soon planning to start a research centre of their own.

During her course of study, we had a second child. The girl who we named Yitzel, resembled me when it came to features, of coırse with the touch of femininity to them, but the colour of her hair, skin, eyes and lips were all that of her mother. And now Hanna was carrying my third child; our third child, I feel bad that I've to leave her when she's due in 15 more days.

"Hanna, the month ends in 10, 12 days, doesn't it?" I kissed her forehead. "I don't want to go leaving you in this state either, but..."

"I understand Johann, you should leave before it's late. Come." She held my free hand and took me out of our room.

Down there in the living room, dad, mom and Ryan were waiting for us along with Aaron and Yitzel. As soon as we went down, Emily came out of a nearby room with her one year old in her arms. She must've been feeding the baby.

Ryan took hold of his daughter from Emily's hands and adjusted her on his arms as the little Ada fell asleep. That one year old was Ryan in every aspect; from looks to behaviour, everything.

"Papa, you home soon. No, Yitzel beat you then." Yitzel placed her small hands on her hips and glared at me.

I smiled at my two year old daughter and picked her up. She didn't seem to be letting her guard down and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Papa will be back home soon, papa doesn't want to be beaten up by Yitzel." I feigned fear.

That made her smile, she wrapped her little hands around my neck and kissed my cheeks.

"Good, papa." She said.

I nodded and set her down as I crouched down in front of Aaron. He hasn't said a word and I cannot leave without his words of wisdom.

You'd know what I mean when he speaks.

"Aaron," I began, but he cut me off.

"I'm a big boy, papa. I'm four years old now." He showed me 4 fingers from his right hand and continued. "You don't have to worry about anything here, I'll take care of mumma and Yitzel. You work and finish it soon to come back home."

Why's he so smart? I smiled and ruffled his hair. Aaron was mature beyond his age, he takes things seriously and responsibility is something that seemed to be like he was born with.

"I don't have to worry about them with you being here. Give papa a champion's fist now." We bumped fists like sportsmen and I got back up on my feet.

"Be back soon." Ryan patted my shoulder with his free hand, I assured him with a nod and we all walked out of the house.

Hanna and the kids will be living with her parents while I'm gone. Did I say that Emily and Ryan chose to live with mom and dad after getting married?

Yeah, since Ryan didn't want to leave his parents, especially mom after learning about her past, Emily too agreed. In fact Ryan wasn't sure how Emily would react if he told her he wanted to live with his parents after marriage. So he kept delaying the wedding for 2 years after proposing her.

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