16 | Surprise! Surprise!

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"You sure?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "It didn't seem like you weren't 'involved'."

"I'm telling the truth! Believe me, she pulled me into the stall while I was waiting for you outside." I reasoned.

"She pulled and you let her?" She looked away.

"Look, I didn't get a moment to make sense of what was going on, I...I was confused."

"Enough is enough." She raised her left hand in front of my face.

"No, you'd have to listen, know what the truth is!" I yelled. She looked at me and spoke after taking a deep breath.

"I'm done with this, it's over, we're over," She said.

"No, please don't leave me, don't give up on us___"

"There's no us hereafter, you hear me? There. Is. No. Us! You want that girl from the restaurant? Go, I'm not stopping you, you're free to do as you wish,"

"I don't want any other girl, but you..." I walked close to her.

"Stay away, I'm warning you!"

"No, I don't want things to end like this," I inched more closer.

She placed both of her hands over my chest and pushed me. I stumbled back and grabbed the door to my room for support, she came running to me.

"Oh my god, are you all right?" She worried.

"Relax, I'm okay." I smiled.

"That's it, I'm not doing this play anymore. The rehearsal itself is this difficult, I don't even want to think about the actual one."

On the eve of Christmas. The actual play was organised on that day. Though we haven't signed the contracts, we were given a part of the script so that we'd get an idea of what we're getting into. In order to raise maximum funds the organisers had known artists, or artistes to perform for them, it felt proud that they approached us this year, as most people were aware of the fact that I was working with a girl recently, if not that the girl was mine.

"I was the one to be pushed and yet you seem to panic? Calm down, come here." I hugged her. "Why do you feel it's difficult?" I whispered in her right ear, stroking her hair.

"Playing a role doesn't work like this, one needs to put his emotions into it..." Hanna trailed.


"This whole scene of 'my boyfriend cheating on me' is making it difficult, especially if my co actor is my real life boyfriend." I moved towards the bed, still holding her in my arms. "Also, you saw how I freaked out after pushing you,"

"Listen, imagine that I'm Sharon and you need to yell at her, that way you won't find it difficult to enact. As for pushing me, you just pretend to do so, I'll stumble back on my own, will that work?"

It's been a couple months since that incident with Sharon. Ryan told us that she was his classmate and Neil's twin, by which I was surprised, those two are polar opposites. Anyways, that's why I'd felt like I'd seen her somewhere, she did resemble with her twin.

"I don't know, let's try," Hanna took in a deep breath, more like inhaled my scent. I loved when she did that and said it always calmed her down.

"Just tell me when you're ready, okay?" I asked, she tightened her hold on me.

"Let's give it another try." She pulled away, I smiled and we started with my line before she pushes me.

"No, I don't want things to end like this," I walked up to her. She pushed me, but this time just slightly. I pretended to be pushed hard and stumbled back. "See, not difficult at all," I smiled.

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