18 | Will She?

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"Will it be done?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Mr. Johann. I've got you,"

"Thanks, Mr. Miller." I shook hands with him and excused myself to the part of the stadium where the play was to be enacted. "Everything ready?" I asked.

The Kelseys, the Andrews and the Ridleys were here for time being, I didn't know if Anna and Issac would be able to join us for the evening. I wanted them here, both because it'd help Hanna ease a bit down and we'd have our best friends by our side on this big day.

Yep, as I promised to myself and to my parents, I was going to propose her today after the play.

"Where did you go?" Hanna asked sounding a bit worried.

"Ask with whom and for what," Xander grinned.

"Why're you so keen on putting an end to my love life?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"So that I could have you all to myself," He replied.

"He's a weirdo, leave him be. I trust you." My girlfriend said and pecked my lips making Xander groan in frustration.

"You're not gonna succeed, at least not in this lifetime, brother." I smacked his right shoulder playfully, all the others laughed.

"Fine now, we should go backstage, these are your seats, enjoy as I ruin it." Hanna said to all, still a little nervous and obviously doubting her acting skills.

I was nervous too, but for all different reasons and tried not to show it. I'd told her parents that it was going to be today and like the very good best friend he was, Mr. Kelsey told Mr. Andrews and so Mrs. Andrews knew too. Well, at least they promised not to tell our friends before the celebration which we'd planned to have at the restaurant; the same one where I'd followed Han to on the game night.

"You'd do fine," Alicia said.

"I don't know." She sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." Ryan pinched his sister's cheeks slightly, she smiled and we were off.

At the backstage we got ready and then they gave us glycerine to use during the last scene as it involved a lots of crying.

The play, as scheduled, started at 6.30 pm. It went from two lovers who just got together and like any other couple had a third wheel always sticking on with them, then one day they learn that the annoying third wheel actually has feelings for the boy, which was me and try to keep away from her, but one day she gets her chance and pulls him into a restroom stall to make out and his girlfriend, which is Hanna, sees it and misunderstands the situation, thus ending their relationship.

Now nearly at around 7.30 pm we were enacting the final scene, where the girlfriend learns the truth and comes to him to apologise.

"What are you here for?" I frowned seeing her.

"We need to talk, please," She asked, her eyes full of tears. She was killing the play.

"Do you still think ___" I began, but she cut me short and began speaking herself.

"I'm sorry that I ever doubted you, please forgive me, please..." Wow, she just improvised! And she was afraid to act? This girl was just awesome. I relaxed my expression a bit as a part of the play.

"It hurt; so much, that I realised I cannot move on without you," I got close to her and took her hands in mine. She looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry. So, so, so very sorry," She cried more. So much that even I began thinking that this wasn't a play, but was happening for real.

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