Bonus 3 | Happy Ever After

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"Isn't he a handsome young man?" Hanna said, dreamily batting her eyes at the 'handsome young man'.

"Your husband is right beside you, Mrs. Yeoman." I reminded, she rolled her eyes.

Then hit me in the arm and even on the back of my head before kicking me on my legs as we sat on the bed beside each other looking at a photo.

"He's your son for god's sake! Our son!" She hit me again. "You're getting old before age, Johann. Acting like a person after their retirement."

"What retirement!? I'm only thirty eight!" I feigned disappointment.

"I know that, so am I." She ruffled my hair. "Just stop behaving like one!" She laughed.

Yeah, it's been 15 years since we'd Aaron and he's the handsome young man we've been discussing now. How time flies by this quick? I stared at Hanna, back to teasing her, but this time with a little something to satisfy myself.

"As long as it's a man who isn't me, I'd act that way, sweetheart." I leaned down.

She instinctively leaned back to put space between us and before she knew, she was lying on her back. That's when she realised I'd done it purposely.

"You know I love you, no?" She grabbed my collar and brushed her nose against mine.

"I love you more, Cupcake." I too whispered and closed the gap between us.

I felt her smiling against my lips as we let each other know our feelings. It's a wonder that how 16 years had passed since we met and still it felt like nothing ever changed between us.

If it weren't for the five precious pillars of our lives, I'd still think that I and Hanna had only just started. Seeing five of our kids brought me back to reality.

Our eldest, Aaron was ever caring and definitely overprotective when it came to his sisters.

Yitzel, though short tempered, never hesitated to play mother to her siblings whenever Hanna had loads to deal with from work, or if she's sick.

Dearra, the book lover never missed an opportunity to quote lines that'd guide her sisters and brothers in life.

Valerie, surely not the one to be behind the scenes, didn't hesitate to throw punches at those who troubled her siblings.

And lastly, but truly not the spoilt young one of the family, Mylo was the very image of an astute being. Though youngest of all, he's got apt solutions to any problems his siblings face with.

And we as parents cannot be more proud knowing that our children stand by and up for each other. They love and care for each other.

"Mumma, papa!" And the little bubble I and Hanna were in just burst.

We knew all of our five were back home from school because it wasn't just one who called out, but all of them.

Hanna pushed me away and sat upright, catching her breath. Even after years of marriage, it amused me to see her blush this way and try to hide it so our children wouldn't notice.

"Shut up!" She glared at me as I was trying to stifled a laugh on her reaction.

I patted her back lovingly and we made our way out of the room. We stood on the first floor, watching the five tired faces after a long day, which were also excited to finally be home.

"Where's mumma?" Mylo whined.

He might be astute, but still was only a seven year old kid.

"Might be taking rest after coming back from work. So let's not disturb them, okay?" Aaron took charge. "Girls, about what happened today, I hope I wouldn't have to repeat it again." He said in a stern voice.

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