11 | All About Her

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Yep, I could get used to this.

The more I stay here, the longer I take in the sight in front of me, the surer I feel.

Those blue eyes staring down at me, white gold strands of hair brushing against my cheek, those soft lips curved up in a loving smile.

I could definitely get used to this.

"Good morning," I tucked the strands of hair behind her left ear.

"Good morning," Her smile widened. "Slept well?"

"Yeah, a peaceful sleep after a long time," I replied honestly, she frowned in response, so I quickly added. "Don't mind me, come here." I pulled Hanna close and pecked her lips before wrapping my arms around her while she made herself comfortable over my chest.

Well, this felt natural.

"They aren't afar Johann, just not visible. They're always with you." She stroked my right arm.

"You know, you make me feel things that I never thought were possible," I laughed a little.

Like I've already felt, yeah, with her it felt like my worries were starting to ease.

"At your service," She chuckled.

"We'd be late for our classes, if you continue to look this beautiful," I kissed the top of her head.

"I can't help how you feel, Mr. Yeoman. And know that you're not helping either with all those breath-taking vibes," She tilted her head.

"You think I'm breath-taking?" I raised an eyebrow, her face went red.

"We'll be late," She jumped out of the bed, I laughed.

She got to the bathroom and came out after 20 minutes in fresh clothes, all set to leave and I here was still snuggling with the pillow that smelled like her. She hit my left arm.

"Hey," I whined.

"Lazy bones, get up." I heard her start the hair dryer.

"Majestic lilies aren't letting me," I mumbled against her pillow.

"Morning dew wasn't letting me either, didn't I still force myself out?" She said.

I lifted myself up and found her smiling at me. It took me a whole minute to understand what she meant by that.

"My scent?" I asked. It wasn't a question, I talked about hers and now she's talking about mine, yet I'd to ask and a nod from her was the answer. "Morning dew?"

"And fall rain." She turned to switch off the dryer.

"Fall rain?"

"Yep, your scent reminds me of the two."

I just stared at her, actually gawked. Only now did I understand the presence of a certain things in her room, she'd small plants in here that people usually kept in hallways, some with and some without flowers. She'd a vast sense of nature that I can never find in myself and she loved to keep herself surrounded by it. Though it's a city we live in, she made sure that she's never afar from mother nature.

Is it normal for a person to fall for someone whom they're already in love with? Because I found myself in the situation.

"Again, you make me feel things that I never thought were possible."

She walked up to me and sat beside me on the bed. She took my hands in hers and squeezed them gently.

"I love you too," She said as if she'd heard my thoughts and leaned in for a quick kiss. "What're your plans for today?"

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