I really love you

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Becky pov

We are in her car , she didn't say a single word until now , she just stare at me for some second and smile ,i can't take this any more so i said Freen please stop the car , she stop car at road side then look me and ask what happen , i look at her and ask why are you staring at me and smile all alone , did i had something on my face .

She said No ,you didn't have  anything on your face , you look beautiful as always and i am smiling because you are just acting that you are mad at me ,but i know you are not....

Do you remember what you said that day, " that if someone gave something to eat and if you take it , that mean you are happy not mad at that person" so she remember everything i said to her ,then she ask  are we okay now  i said No , we are not okay because I am not mad at you that you are talking to that lady ,but i am mad because  .......aaaa... a silence between us for some second you said that I AM YOUR SOON TO BE WIFE ,when did you ask me to be you girlfriend, when did you propose me and when i said YES  for our marriage hmm i said all these in one breath.

Freen just look at me while smiling ,then said so you want me to do all those things you mentioned earlier hmm miss Rebecca Armstrong, okay i will do that  , i don't know , but i just blush , did i just tell her the way i want her to ask me ..

I look at her and say No , i just ...that just get in flow don't take it seriously please

Freen said i take everything seriously that is related to you and i know that I really love you so for me everything is crystal clear My Love and  she smirk and smile..

She know how to make me flattered .

And again she start engine , and after some time we arrived to my home , she open car door for me like a gentle women , we both are standing in front of my door and freen was about to go , when i stop her , hug her and kiss her on cheek and say i will miss you , bye and take care ...


Short update

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