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Becky pov

I was talking with Mr. Sarocha about my placement in GOOGLE , suddenly door busted open and freen is in front of me, i was little scared of her reaction.

I was looking at floor scared of looking at her , she called " Becky" .

I said "Hmmp"

"Look up " she said

I take a deep breath and look up at her.

She looks at me for 10 sec with serious face and then said " Come Here "

I went close to her , my head down and said " i am sorry babe , i was about to te..."

She pull me in a hug and say " i know babe and congratulations you got job in one of best and big company Google , i am so proud of you "

I pull from hug and look at her and she is genuine happy, her priceless smile but suddenly someone clear his throat , oo we forgot about grandpa .

Grandpa look at us and said "please stand apart from each other , i am here now."

Freen push me a little in panic and stand at 1 hand distance from me and say " yes , grandpa"

Grandpa look at me first and then to freen and " So Freen , you know Becky has to go California from this job "

Freen nodded and say " Yeah , grandpa i know " and she gave him a small and sad smile and look at me .

" Okay , Now you both go , spend time with each other and Becky surgery will be next week and by end of this month , she have to be in California ".

We both nodded and bid " Good bye " to him .
Time skipped

We are in Freen home , she is making lunch for us .

And I am taking shower , i am happy to get job where I want to work from starting but i have to live away from her and i don't know for how many weeks, months .

Not year , Because i will not survive without seeing her for one fucking year .

We will always meet obviously .

I hear door opening sound , freen is in room .

" Babe , lunch is ready , come fast "

"Okay babe coming " .....


Sorry, let's countinue with our first and good plot.

Die For You ( Freen ❣️ Becky )Where stories live. Discover now