Chapter Twenty Eight

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All I know is heat and sweat when I first wake up. Noah is against me, unmistakably, in this tiny single bed he's too large for. His feet are hanging over the frame and if it wasn't for such a stark difference in our tans I wouldn't know where my limbs began and his ended. 

I pull my numb arm out from underneath him and shaking it over our bodies. The movement must startle him because his grip tightens around me, his head going further into my hair. 

I take the time to look around his childhood bedroom. Though there isn't must to see - grey everything, grey everywhere. Not a photo of little Noah to be seen. I do spot a poster of his own car sellotaped to the side of his desk though, worn and brown around the edges to display the age. 

His hips press into me. A hand I hadn't realised was pasted between my thighs wriggles. 

"How long have you wanted your car, exactly?" 

It takes a few seconds before his reply comes. I imagine him blinking sleep out of his eyes and trying to register how we're in bed together - just as I had done when I first woke up.

"Too long." 

"You're not one of those guys that wants to fuck their car, are you?" 

A snort. Even though I can't see him I feel the roll of his eyes down to my toes. His laughter vibrates against my back and his exhale of breath is hot on my ear. 

When he replies, his voice is coarse from sleep and laced with seduction. "I don't think it'd even turn you off if I was." 

I flip around in his arms. My eyebrows raise at the obvious attempt to put his erection between my thighs when I do. I roll my body onto his but hover over where he'd like me to sit. 

"What if I'm not into car boys?" 

I take in this lovely picture as I get my answer. Face mused with sleep, hair messy and pulled in every direction, skin glowing under the warm light spilling through the curtains. 

"Then you're doing a really bad job of turning me down." 

"I'm trying," I coo. 

A flash travels across his eyes. 

I've never seen this particular smirk across his lips, the challenging glint that shines in each of his features, as his fingers appear at the back of my knees. Nails gently scrape at my skin, up and down, as slowly as his eyes rake across my body. 

"Are you?" He muses. 

His fingers travel slightly higher. 

I nod. 

"You're really trying?" 

Nail scrapes against the very top of the back of my thighs. I lower myself slightly, hyper-aware of our naked bodies, even more aware of his desire for me just below my own body. If I just scoot down a bit further...

He turns my head towards his. I hadn't realised I was looking down between us. 

"You can answer me." 

Spoken so sweetly, so innocently, like I don't know what his true motives are. A pulse travels the length of my body, an ache between my legs hammering so intensely I wonder how he doesn't feel it perched underneath me. 

"I'm really trying," I whisper. 

My body lowers a fraction more. 

His nails still lightly caress the back of my legs. The curve of his mouth sweeter than honey. That glint in his eye tells me that he's winning whatever game I've forgotten we're playing. 

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