Chapter Thirty

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A desert dry mouth wakes me. My lips feel like sandpaper when they touch each other and my tongue is shriveling from lack of water. I try to will liquid into my mouth as I blink my eyes open. Darkness surrounds me, envelopes me, but the familiar smell of Noah lingers in the air. 

I reach behind myself and hope I left a pint of water on the bedside table. 

A hard body. A moan. 

I shuffle to turn around and try to make out the outline of the person in the bed beside me; on my side of the bed no less. 

"Sleep," Noah grunts. 

"Water," I croak. 

He blindly reaches for the bedside table as well, tapping on it sporadically before his nails scratch against a glass. He passes it to me wordlessly and grunts once more when I drink half of it in one gulp and hand it back to him. 

"Your bed?" I croak once more. 

"Sleep," he groans. 

I try to look around. My elbows click into place as I put them underneath me and try to lift my body. My brain feels fuzzy. I'm still half asleep, not quite sure where I am. Possibly still drunk. 


"Shut the fuck up, Mads." 

Chelsea's voice startles me. I turn again. She's on my left - the two of them have sandwiched me in the bed. Her hair is splayed over the pillow we're probably supposed to be sharing and her arm is covered in sparkling glitter when she reaches up and pulls me back into a lying position with an oof. 

Noah's arm snakes around me from behind, pulling me into him. He kisses my hair and breathes heavily against my neck. I relax into him and feel my consciousness slowly slip away once more. 

 •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Matt did not take Skye home. 

I have vague memories of a blonde bombshell, leggy, fit, smiley, stumbling out of the club with all of us. I don't remember her name but I do remember her leaning over me in the cab to put her tongue between Matt's lips. 

Her perfume was lovely. With her hand undoing the button of my brothers jeans, I stuck my leg between the two of them and asked her what brand it was. 

Chelsea managed to pull me away from the bombshell's glare. Quite literally, out from between them and into her own lap. 

They were straight back to business. Obstacle removed. 

"Is this better than the alternative?" Noah asked me. 

I thought of the awkwardness earlier in the evening with Skye and Matt in a confined space, her so obviously in love with him and him so obviously furious with her. 

A rock and a hard place. Skye's sad eyes and fruitless attempts at catching his attention, or this woman, who seemed to want an audience as she pressed her breasts against my brothers mouth. 

I ignored Noah's question because I had no idea what the answer was.

I'm reminded of these moments from last night only because the blonde bombshell wakes the three of us up. 

She topples into Noah's room laughing. Matt is shouting something behind her as she does and it must be his voice that makes the three of us lift our heads from the pillows. Once again, I'm greeted with the sight of her breasts - naked this time, badly covered with one hand. 

Her face flames. 

Matt begins pulling her out of the room and trying to cover her up. 

"I thought- the bathroom-" 

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