Chapter 2: Deadly Disease

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Warning: Character Death. From the biggest silent killer.

I didn't know what it was. All I did know, was that it rapidly multiplied, and that it was unresponsive to all the treatments I knew.

Everything was ineffective.

Some of Patsy's blood cells had grown to unrealistic proportions and were splitting exponentially. Not only that, they were taking over.

Whatever this was, came from the bones. Judging from the protein content, and the way they acted.

It was eating her alive, killing her so fast that I was unsure of how much longer she had left to live.

All I knew is that it wasn't contagious. Due to its rapid growth, I would have surely felt something by now.


My name was called, so I looked up at the source. There Levi stood, arms crossed and eyes calculating as always.

I didn't even hear him enter my quarters. If he knocked, it fell on deaf ears.

"She's not going to make it much longer. She's dying, Levi." I said quietly, setting everything to the side and slowly rising from my chair.

He crossed the room and pulled me into his arms. Levi was warm and made me feel safe within an instant.

"If there's nothing you can do, then spend time with her. Don't let these fleeting moments of hers be spent alone. She needs you." His voice was soft, and almost defenseless as he spoke to me. It felt like a dreamy haze had been cast over me.

The musky pine, and floral scent of his clothes sent my mind far from the stresses of the world. So far that I felt my muscles relaxing.

"I need her too. There's still so much I need to learn from her." Shakily, I wrapped my arms around Levi and gripped onto the back of his jacket.

My heart ached in my chest.

There's nothing I can do.

"You don't need her. She knows that, and she's taught you everything she can. What you need is closure, and time with your mentor. I'm not sure what's happening entirely, but I'll go through this with you." A sigh escaped the handsome raven haired male and one of his hands brushed against my back soothingly.

"I've seen death before, but this feels different." I whispered, gripping his shirt tighter.

"It feels different because this time, you can't help, and you don't know the enemy." He answered holding my head against his chest as comfortingly as his tense body would allow.

Levi was trying to comfort me with all his knowledge and power. It was admirable really.

Deciding to test his limitations, and my emotional stability, I pushed myself closer to him and held him tighter.

It didn't go as planned.

Instead of tensing more, Levi took in a deep breath and relaxed. Almost as if he was relieved I didn't pull away from him.

"Do you think, that when she passes, we can visit all our friends together?" I asked, borderline numbly.

Levi hummed and said, "I don't see a problem with that."

My heart fluttered inside my chest with delight.

For a little while, I was calm inside his arms. However, I was reminded of the disease taking my friend's life, and that I needed to inform her.

"I need to tell her," I started, "Levi, are all the people closest to us always going to be put six feet under?"

"I don't have an answer for you. I wish I did." He sounded regretful for not having an answer, which made me feel warm again.

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