Chapter 9: Doubts

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As the sun set beyond our sight, we started planning as a group, with Levi's core idea in mind.

To use our merchant friends, and get them to trick the MPs they were in contact with.

The moment we had compliance with both of them, we had Dimo send a letter to the MPs he was initially in league with.

Since the Military Police were hunting down Scouts, it was important to spill a little bit of information.

Fantastic incentive gets people going like no other things in this world.

Once they fell into our trap - because let's face it, they're a bit impaired mentally - we would all be waiting out of sight at an abandoned cottage on the edge of Trost district.

Our new hideout due to our last one being raided.

From there, it's just a matter of getting information out of them.

Though, I had several unpleasant ideas as to how that would go down, it had to be pushed aside for now.

I couldn't be wrapped up with overthinking.

When we finished planning, we set off on our task separately.

Crickets chirped and sang as I walked through the darkest of shadows to reach my desired location.

It wouldn't be hard to see the covered wagon coming down the road, but to them, we were invisible.

They wouldn't suspect a thing.

Especially under the assumption that Dimo told them he pretended to cooperate with us.

Just as we discussed.

A hand brushing against my shoulder made me flinch and whip my head around.

Levi placed a finger to his lips and hummed deeply. Then we approached homestead and waited for the arrival of our targets. I looked back at all my allies, making sure they were okay, and then my eyes found Levi when I was certain everyone was ready.

His eyes shimmered a bright silver color as he stared at me blankly. They softened in the slightest making my heart flutter wildly.

You're going to have to stop doing that. The warmth inside my chest is going to kill me.

I smiled gently and ripped my gaze from his, pushing myself up against the white wood of the house, just trying to make sure I kept myself out of sight from the road.

A short wait later, the clopping of horse hooves reached us, as well as the faint hum of voices.

My muscles tensed up as Levi shifted his rifle between us and leaned over to check the path.

"Remember what we discussed." I whispered to our group as the wagon drew closer, rounding the corner and appearing in sight.

"Get ready." Levi advised sharply, rising to his full height.

My muscles coiled and my heart pounded erratically as I remained low to the ground.

I'm excited... And nervous. How opposite those emotions are. Yet similar in feeling.

Taking a deep breath, I collected myself, and began moving as Dimo pulled the cart to a stop.

There were two additional horses flanking the cart from both rear and front angles, so those would have to be taken care of.

Small change in plans, but not bad.

"Mikasa and Armin, take care of the front of the cart. Connie and Sasha, take out the man in front. Jean and Levi, take care of whoever is inside the wagon. And leave the man in the back to me." I rushed over the fresh plan and then split off from the group.

Will of the Fallen (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now