Chapter 29: Knowing

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The next morning, I woke up early from a nightmare. It grabbed me harshly and shook me to my core, making sure I didn't forget it.

Like a monster it dug its claws into my flesh and forced me to watch it wreak havoc on my mind. I couldn't move, and I certainly couldn't escape back to reality.

We were in Shiganshina, fighting for our lives against enemies with far better preparation than we could have predicted.

The Beast, Armored, and Colossal Titans were all there. We were down several men while they bathed in the sweet caress of victory.

I was on top the wall, panting, feeling crushed as I watched our final attempt at success, and the destruction of the poor district on the other side with a blank expression.

Two battles - raging out of control and taking casualties with them.

It was so vivid. So realistic, that I could nearly feel the warm wind on my skin as it blasted against me with the stench of metallic blood on the horizon.

My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my head as I sat upright in my blankets, glancing around the room to ground myself.

Everything felt magnified by so much. I could feel the fibers beneath my fingers, the crisp morning air entering my mouth to filter through my lungs, the dust particles floating in the sun rays, and the thrumming of my blood gushing through my body.

I could feel and see it all.

I was still alive. I was okay. Safe within the confines of my room. That's all that mattered. Or that should have mattered.

I scrambled out of bed and rushed to get dressed. Judging by the colors in the sky, I had woken up earlier than usual.

That's no excuse though, if I wasn't ready and fit for training then my head wouldn't be attached to my shoulders anymore.

I loved staying in bed, where it was warm and safe, but if I wanted to survive Levi's training session, then I needed to move my ass and get outside.

Stumbling by my mirror a few choice curse words flew past my lips as I caught sight of a few loose hairs falling from my ponytail.

"Are you fucking joking right now? I just.... I just brushed you!" I whined pathetically, debating if it was worth the risk to do my hair over again.

Nope. Nuh uh!

I dropped my brush off in my bathroom and hurried out the door, rushing down the stairs and outside towards the training yard to meet Levi.

He wouldn't be out this early, but he'd be there in a few minutes. Surely he'd be in a better mood seeing me here early.

God preserve me if I was ever late. That's if the big G existed in the first place.

It would result in punishment - not the cleaning kind, but rather, he wouldn't pull his punches at all. I knew what that felt like, and it actually hurt.

If Levi wanted to he could easily leave me as a crumbled heap on the ground, with bruising littered all over my body.

One of these days, I want him to stop holding back, it was by my word though so I can't exactly blame him.

I noticed it before, but he was faster than any human, and stronger too. I wondered if it was common with all the Ackermans.

That inhuman strength and speed had been my downfall many times during sparring sessions. And I doubted I would ever actually win against him.

"You're early." Levi's voice cut through the air effortlessly, and I turned my head to look at him as he approached.

"Only by a few minutes." I shrugged and twisted myself around so my front was towards him.

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