Run #5

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Damion's POV:

"Damie!" I heard the familiar voice of Ashy call out. "What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes, already annoyed at her stupidity. "Obviously I'm here to help. Grizz told me about the newbies, and I didn't want them bringin' you down."

The girl with the charger just gave me a side eye while the little octoling looked at me like I was God. I mean, I guess I did just save him though.

"Alright, no more chatting. We gotta take this thing down." I pointed at the Cohazuna. These things should really be taken out sooner, but this one definitely looked stronger than most; so I guess I couldn't blame the team entirely. But by the amount of ink on it's body, at least we know it's almost dead.

"Short one," I pointed to the boy. "You go take out those easy bosses over there and throw the eggs to sniper girl. Ashy, you do the same, but to me. Me and sniper girl can take out the smaller Salmonids and take out the Cohazuna while you guys gather the materials. Capeesh?"

The girl looked at me with a surprised face, like she didn't expect me to be smart. And the other kid just ran off to do what he was told. At least a cute kid like him could listen I guess, really can't do much else.

Using my strategy, the other two were taking out boss Salmonids one after another while me and the sniper girl (whom she later angrily told me her name was Mila) were chucking the eggs at the Cohazuna while dodging the splashdowns.

Finally as I threw the last egg, the Cohazuna howled and exploded, ending it's reign of terror. I sighed and smiled, happy to finally take that thing down. All the other Salmonids had retreated down the shoreline, leaving us safe and finished.

I contacted Grizz and told him to pick us up. I told him about our success and bounties from before, and he congratulated the team. Though I came in in the very last wave, I made them win, no doubt.

We met up all back at the egg basket while we waited for Grizz to come. He's always late, so I was used to waiting.

"Since we never got to formally introduce each other, Damie, this is Mila and Kai, and the same way backwards!" I chuckled at Ashy's interesting vocabulary choices as me and Mila entered into a deadly staring competition. "You're aiming fuckin' sucks. And bringing a charger to something fast paced like this was downright idiotic." The anger in her eyes flared as she was about to say something back, but Kai stopped her.

"Short one," I said, making him fearfully turn towards me. "You did fine. You're handy with that brella I guess. Ya likin' it?" He seemed confused for a second but then eagerly nodded. He looked kinda cute when he did that..

Suddenly the sound of a chopper could be heard throughout the sky. At least Grizz was finally here. I don't wanna be stuck with Mila anymore.

It landed and we all crawled in (Kai needing a little boost). "So Damie! Lookin' at you're blaster, I can see you made some upgrades!" Ashy exclaimed across from me. "Yeah, took a lot of work, but this may be a final model. She's a beauty." Suddenly, Kai looked very interested in the weapon. He leaned across from right next to me to hovering over my lap to feel the blaster in my hands. The close proximity made me slightly nervous. Not good. I'm not good when I'm nervous.

"Wow! You made this?" His eyes were so huge staring up at me that they were almost hypnotizing. "Y-yeah.." I said much quieter than I usually would. Was my face red? Could the others sense my nervousness? Could he sense it?

Finally he leaned back into his own space, but he still bombarded me with questions, making the flight less boring, but also anxiety spiking at the same time.

When the chopper landed, I couldn't decide if me leaving was a good or bad thing.

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