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Shinobu's POV
As I was walking home from school, my chest started to hurt. I winced in pain and put my hand on it. I was having a hard time breathing and as I crossed the street, I looked to my left and saw a truck. The truck was getting closer and closer, and my chest tightened even more. As I was closing my eyes and braced myself, I suddenly felt like I was pulled aside. I looked around to see my savior, but then I blacked out.

Giyuu's POV
I walked out of Kimetsu Cafe after finally getting my order. As I looked at the street, I noticed someone on the road with her hand on her chest. As I looked closer at the girl, I realized she was Kochō Shinobu, one of my classmates at school. I looked to my right and saw a truck driving towards her. I quickly ran to the road and pulled her to safety. She looked around for a bit, but then closed her eyes. I realized she had just blacked out. I decided to carry her and ran to the nearest hospital. As soon as I opened the doors, I called for help.

"Help, she fainted!" I shouted.

A doctor and some nurses helped me rush her to a room. While they were doing their job, I patiently waited outside. Half and hour later, the doctor came out of the room. I quickly rose from my seat.

"How is she!?"

"Sir, can you call her parents?"

"Why, what happened?"

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news but..."

"She has Cancer"

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