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"Uhh, it's so boring!" A certain girl with black hair with purple tips said. Kochō Shinobu had been hospitalized for over two days now. She hasn't gone out of her room during that time and was only reading a book.

"I wonder when Giyuu will come to visit..." she said.

Suddenly, the door opened and revealed a teenager wearing a school uniform and bullets of sweat running down his face. Shinobu stopped reading her book and turned to look at him.

"Giyuu, you're finally here!" Shinobu said, ecstatic to finally see him again.

"Hi Shinobu, I came as fast I could. The math teacher gave us so much homework yesterday so I didn't have time to come. Also, I didn't realize we were close enough to call each other by our first names." He said as he raised his eyebrow and smirked slightly.

"I-i...." Shinobu's face instantly turned red. She looked away from him and turned to the wall then said
"Anyways.....do you have any board games or cards with you? It's so boring, I've been reading the same book for 2 days!"

"Why aren't you watching any movies on Netflix or something?" Giyuu looked at her and tilted his head slightly to the right.

Shinobu deadpanned at him. "The connection sucks. Plus I haven't downloaded anything."

The boy raised both his eyebrows. "Fair enough. Well, I have a few UNO cards with me....is that okay?"

"Yes, finally! I haven't played UNO for a long time!" Shinobu grinned.

A few days went by and Giyuu continued to visit Shinobu  every afternoon. Soon, the days turned into week and the weeks turned to months. Giyuu still hasn't skipped a visit. He even brought some of Shinobu's friends with him to the hospital to visit Shinobu. Around 2 months later, Shinobu and Giyuu were watching a movie that Giyuu downloaded on his phone for them to watch. Just then, the door burst open and in came a doctor.

"Miss Shinobu, we have some news.....about your cancer..." The doctor said calmly.

Both Shinobu and Giyuu looked at him, with hope in their eyes.

"R-really?! Have you found a donor?!" Giyuu exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry...it's too late to find a donor...the cancer......it spread..."

A few seconds passed before Giyuu broke the silence.
"Wh-what...?" He had a terrified expression on his face.

"I'm sorry...we tried everything to slow it down....." the doctor said sadly. A few more seconds passed until Shinobu asked the doctor a question she has been thinking of ever since she was hospitalized.

"How much time...do you think I have left..?" She said calmly.

"We think that you still have around a month left. Hopefully, we can make it into two..."

"I see...thank you for trying your best...." Shinobu smiled at the doctor. The doctor just nodded his head sadly and left the room. As he closed the door, Shinobu broke down and hugged Giyuu.

"....Gi...Giyuu....I don't want to die yet.....I just wanted to...live a normal happy life and...die old.....with you...."

As she said the last part, Giyuu's face turns red, then he looked sadly and hugged her. "Shhh....please, don't cry...I hate seeing you like this...." Giyuu said as a few tears threatened to come out of his eyes. Shinobu look at his face with her own tear-filled eyes.

"Giyuu....stay with me tonight....please..?" She said to him, her voice shaky.

"Don't worry...I'm not leaving you...not until the day you depart from this cruel world....Shinobu..." Giyuu pulled her closer to him as Shinobu cried louder. They stayed like that for a few minutes until they eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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