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Shinobu's POV
As soon as I woke up, I saw my parents and my sisters, Kanae and Kanao  sitting beside me. I was so confused, what was happening? A million questions flooded my brain.

"Wha-whats happening? Where am I?" I said as I tried to stand. They all turned to look at me, eyes widened.

"Shinobu! You're awake! Does anything hurt? No, don't stand up, the doctor said you needed to rest!" Kanae exclaimed.

I looked around and saw that I was in one of the rooms in my father's hospital.

"Why am I here...I thought I was-"
"We were so worried about you! A guy from your class said you suddenly stopped while crossing the road and was almost hit by a truck! Luckily, he pulled you away just in time, but then you blacked out!" My mother said, half shouting.

The memories from what happened earlier came back flooding into my mind.

"W-who saved me...?"
"He said his name is Tomioka Giyuu. Do you know him?"

Of course I knew him. Tomioka-san is a person I always tease for having no friends other than me and being a loner. Other than teasing and annoying him on a daily basis, we were really close friends. I should also admit I have quite a small crush on him. Then again, who wouldn't?

"Yes..I know him....where is he?" I questioned my father.
"He's waiting outside, do you want me to tell him you're awake?"

I instantly nodded my head. Kanae, Kanao and my parents went outside so that I was free to talk to him.

As soon as he walked in, my eyes widened. He was still wearing that same old cold expression on his face, but in his eyes beared a hint of worry, concern and fear in them. So much sweat was dripping off his face and body and his plain, white shirt was wet from it. As I looked closer, I realized that he had abs underneath. My face flushed a slight pink color- 'No! This is not the time Shinobu! You were almost hit by a truck!'  I thought to myself.

"Kochō, are you okay!? You fainted after I pulled you away from the truck so I had to carry you all the way here."
"Y-yes...I'm fine! Thank you for saving me Tomioka-san!"
"Listen, Kochō..I don't think the doctors told your parents yet but..."
"Tomioka-san, what is it? Just spit it out already."
"The....the doctors said...you.......you have.." He turned his face to the right so I wouldn't see the saddened expression on his face.
"You have cancer..."

Those words crushed me as my heart shattered into a million pieces. Me, have cancer? I thought I was going to graduate, become a doctor, buy a house, marry Giyuu, have a family with him, and die old. Why did God pick such a fate for me?

"O-oh..is that so...? I didn't expect that I would die like that....."

"D-don't say that! The doctors said you still have a chance to live if we find a donor! "

"There are still a chance I could die...after all, I don't really have the best luck, do I?"

Third Person POV

Giyuu remembered the times Shinobu lost her bets, twigs falling on her out of nowhere, lost all her 50/50s in Genshin and so much more unlucky things that has happened to her. Even so, he still hoped that she would survive this. After all, he liked her since the day the had become friends.

"They said they will try their hardest to find a donor, I'll help as well!" Giyuu said, desperately.

"Thank you for worrying Tomioka-san, but the cancer would have already spread by the time they find a donor." Shinobu smiled sadly.

Just then, a doctor entered the room.
"Hey kid, visiting time's over." He said once he saw Giyuu.
"B..but....fine..Shinobu, I'll try to come back tomorrow after school to bring you your homework. I'll explain to the teacher about your absence."

"O-okay..bye then.."

As he walked out the door, Shinobu then realized.




'He called me by my first name?!'

707 words
I have come back from the dead
I'm sorry, I should've made this chapter a week ago but I was lazy 💀☠️
I have already made the next chapter so I might publish it tonight or tomorrow morning.

With that being said, see you in the next chapter!

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