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Luke and I continued to walk down the gravel pathway, his hand holding mine. The forest around us was quiet, occasionally you could hear the sound of the birds up in the treetops. As we walked along the path, Luke and I were deciding on what to do on our first date. We said words back and forth to each other, listening to each other's opinions and ideas.

      "I would like to have our first date on the shore of the ocean, with just us, candlelight, peaceful music, and the beautiful sound of the waves," I said, looking up at him to see his reaction. "Maybe we could have a bonfire, too."

      "I like that idea," said Luke, his eyes turning to look down at me, "but I would like to have a movie date. Popcorn, action and romance movies, cuddles, sweet surround-sound, and blankets. How does that sound?"

      I shrugged, looking down at my walking feet again. "I like your idea, but I also like mine."

      "Thank you for the compliment on my idea, and I also like yours." He slowed to a stop, but I didn't. I kept on walking, but I felt a yank on my arm. I frowned, looking at my arm then at Luke. "We've got to decide; beach or movie?"

      My feet carried myself to stand in front of the boy, taking his free hand in mine. "How about we have a beach picnic with a movie? We can find some thin metal poles to support a large white blanket, then we use a projector to screen the movie onto the blanket."

      Luke looked at me like I was the most creative person in the world. I giggled as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish, no words coming out of it. "That is the best idea I have ever heard," he said, shaking his head, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You are really creative, do you know that?"

      "Yeah, I know. I knew you would like it." I giggled again, letting go of one of his hands and moving to his left side. "I've been told that I'm creative by many people, like my parents and Summer."

      "You should be told that more often, Rose." He gave me a soft smile, beginning to walk again. "Can I show you something?"

      I nodded, letting him lead the way. His grip on my hand tightened as he began walking a little bit faster, making me do the same. The gravel pathway turned into green grass, the trees becoming more dense overhead. We weaved in and out of the trunks of the trees, the faint sound of a waterfall could be heard in the distance. That sound grew closer as we approached its direction.

      My breath was taken away as I saw the waterfall, its water crystal-clear. It ran down the wall of rocks and into a small, beautiful lake, the top of the water shining like diamonds were floating on it. Small, smooth pebbles were sitting at the edge of the lake, glistening with a thin layer of water. I could see some koi swimming in the lake, some were black and white and red. Luke let go of my hand, letting venture closer to the edge of the water.

      I kneeled down on the side, seeing the koi come near me. They poked their heads out of the water, and it almost seemed like a smile appeared on their faces. "This is so..." I began, looking back at Luke. An adoring expression was on his face as he stared at me with his baby-blues, a hint of a smile sitting upon his lips. "I can't even this beauty into words. How did you ever find this place?"

      The faint smile on his face grew as he came closer, crouching down on the slippery rocks with me. "I found this place when I was exploring the forest one day," he said, staring into the water. "This is one of the places that I like to come and be alone and to think. This place is special to me. Sometimes I like to think of it as one of my secrets."

      "That's a sweet thought," He nodded, turning his head to look at me, "and I can tell that this place is special to you, too. I couldn't imagine a scene more beautiful than this."

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