Chapter13 Part3

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After one long hour that seemed to flow like an eternity, Neva finally knocked on Alp's door ...

Her heart throbbed to see him at last after all the worries that had plagued her about him ...

She had left Hayal and Yagmur behind, feasting on a good dinner prepared by her, but she did not have an ounce of appetite to join them despite Yagmur's efforts to get her to eat, so much excitement, anxiety for the test's preparation and desire to reassure herself of Alp's condition were swarming hard inside her ...

She heard his voice calling for her to enter, she took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping forward slowly, her eyes scanning the room looking for him, to finally find him sitting on his sofa, his back propped up on pillows, dressed in a comfortable outfit, short strands of hair falling disheveled curls on his forehead, his face dull, his features drawn, and yet he was smiling at her ... gazing at her with a very tender look ...

That look ... those deep eyes looking at her ... she felt that little jolt in her heart again ...

She approached him and stood just few steps away, staring at him with eyes that reflected all her concern and worry ...

"How are you ? How do you feel ? Your wound ? Does it still hurt ?"

She asked in a soft, slightly trembling voice ...

He blinked at her and gestured with a warm smile that he was all right ...
Then patted his hand on the sofa just next to his side :

"Come and sit down Neva ! don't stand like that ..."

She slowly took place beside him, turning to the side to face him ...

His face was so close ... She kept examining carefully his tired features that reflected clearly how much he had been suffering ...

Then she realised his stares scanning her with so much attention ... as much as she did ... then his eyes totally locked on hers ... so caring ...

She felt suddenly a little nervous of the very soft gaze fixed on her ... she unconsciously lowered her eyes, troubled ...

Alp spoke first, his voice sounded so gentle :

"It seems that i have given you a lot of worry today because of this wound ! But please, you don't have to ! It's not a little pain that's going to knock me down, I've already survived the hardest part, right ?"

Neva raised her head and looked at him with a very serious look :

"Yes ... you got through the hardest ... like a miracle ... "

"I am very grateful for all the trouble you took to bring Hayal back here ! but i will never accept that it was at the cost of putting your health at risk !"

"So stop pushing yourself too hard and take good care of yourself ... like you should ... because ... like i explained it to you before and i will always say so ... i wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you ..."

She looked at him with her beautiful eyes, showing such a determination that he catched his breath for a second ...

Her words and glares that show how much she cares and fears for him with such sincerity had a strong impact on his heart ...

Except for Berk, no one has ever really cared for him with such truthfulness, just for him, without any ulterior motive, without any expectation in return, her special way of caring for her beloved ones ... her way to be just Neva, wich make her the only person with whom he can be really himself, without to doubt any second or fear to be betrayed as he has always been by the past by the people he cherished the most ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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