Chapter11 Part2

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The restaurant was already closed, all the staff had already left, only chef Kadim was still there, Alp and Berk made Neva sit on one of the tables of the very large service room, Alp left for a moment and quickly came back with a blanket, while Birk ran to the kitchen ...

Alp leaned over her to cover her and put on his jacket, he took a seat right next to her, looking at her anxiously ...

Alp : "Neva ... are you okay ?... how do you feel ?"

Neva, holding her forehead with both hands, was beginning to recover from her dizziness ...

Neva : "don't ... don't worry I'm fine ... it's nothing ... "

Birk came hurriedly and took a seat in front of them : "Oh Neva ! Finally ! Thank God you are here with us ! If you knew how much we looked for you ! There is one here who was about to explode like a time bomb !!
I swear he was going to spend the night outside if he didn't find you !"

Alp quickly threw him a furious look to shut him up ... he was about to speak when chief Kadim arrived, a tray in his hand, he put two bowls of hot soup in front of them, and looked at both of them with a very worried eye ...

Kadim : "My God ! My God ! Look at this state !
Alp my son your color is whiter than the tablecloth on this table ! And you my daughter ! Neva ! What happened to you ? You look so sick ! Are you all right ?"

Neva watched the three men examining her with concern, she felt all emotional ...

Neva : "I'm really sorry to have caused you so much trouble ... i ..."

Alp interrupted her : "Neva, eat this hot soup first, then you can explain everything ... take your time ..."

She turned to him and looked at him with her moved eyes in silence ...

he smiled at her warmly, trying to lighten the mood : "What ? Don't you want to eat ? You lectured me this morning after I got out of the hospital to eat your good soup ! It's my turn now !"

She smiled shily back at him, surprised at his comment ...

Berk and Kadim smiled heartily while looking at them ...

Neva turned to the soup which smelled very good and slowly took her spoon ...

Kadim : "The whole kitchen was bustling today ... Gonca was telling everyone that you were gone ! But I was sure you would come back !
I know your heart and your tenacity ! I knew that my assistant would not give up this kitchen !"

Berk : "Of course she didn't leave ... the poor girl was all the time in the hospital ! ... it already brings back some memories ... the day of the wedding of someone I know ..." and he winked at Alp ...

Neva froze at his words ... she felt the lightning strike her ... they know ! They know she was in the hospital !!! But how !!! Did they discover her illness ?!!! No my god no !!
Her spoon fell on the table with a bang ... staining the white linen ...

Alp, Birk and Kadim looked at her with great surprise, her face was all shocked and her hand that she let rest on the table was shaking uncontrollably ...

Alp at her side immediately took her hand and squeezed it tightly ... and looked at Berk with annoyance : "God forgive you Berk ! Look at the state you have put her in !"
Then he turned to her : "Neva ! what's going on ?"

Neva still trembling : "The hospital ? How did you know ?"

Berk : "I'm sorry Neva if I brought back bad memories ! I was really joking ... for the hospital you can say that this young man has an incredible sense of smell ... nothing escapes him ... his hunch is very strong when it comes to you Neva !"

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