chapter 2: "That day, ten years ago."

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This chapter contain material that some readers may find distressing including suicidal thoughts. Reader discretion is advised.


-"A choice comes down to weighing your options.



As well as experience...

After considering all the options, the scale will tip to the heavier side."-

The process of writing paused momentarily.

Olivia's eyes flickered a bit, she looked at the computer, seemingly hesitating wether to continue writing. After a while, she pressed the keyboard and once again started to write.

-'Paper plane; chapter 46: A choice always comes with consequences.'-


The night was sultry. I've always like summer, despite suffering from insomnia during hot and humid night.

It's the season of vivid colors and long scorching day.

The sky is full of stars tonight, it's lovely but at the same time saddening.

Just by looking at it, make me remember a poem.

-The sky is full of stars tonight.
The souls of the passed,
Is that where they reside?-

"Huhhhhh..." Olivia wipe her tears that have no sign of stopping but another batch of tears drop on her hand to her skirt.

I can't cry properly, and it hurts so bad.

It hurt so much that I just want to wail.

I always wanted someone to understand that...

But no one wants... until now.

Olivia knew that those people who passed by are thinking that she's insane. Because crying in public is not something a sane person will do.

She covered her eyes. Once again, she end up losing it out.

A story that took place in one summer...

A story that took place in one fateful morning...

However every sunset is a proof that everything has it's ending.

Its feels like a rock was thrown into the still surface of water. A small stone sent turbulent waves and she was helpless against it.

After calming a bit, she stood up holding her bag, her destination is unknown.

I can't deny the fact that I still haven't escape from it. And I am still being held in place, the place of being broken.

-"I hope that summer would never end... That day, ten years ago."-


-Ten years ago... Fourth year of highschool.-

Charles put down the weightless bag on his shoulder. Although he attends class, he never bring books or notebooks to take notes.

He sat down and looks at the ticking clock on the wall.

After a while, he stands up and take out its battery, making it stop at the same time.

His family could be said superior. He learned how to play instruments in a young age.


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