chapter 4: "Whisper through willows"

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"Her kindness always carries a note of something else.

Like ice cream that melts away, leaving nothing behind but a lingering sweetness.

But even if I end up wanting more.. there's nothing I can do.

It was like buying a new sketchbook, and choosing different- colored crayons to fill the pages.

So much fun, yet painstaking to see pages go, one after another."


There's no cure for depression, but people still have plenty of options for treatment, all of which can improve their symptoms and minimize its impact on their daily life.

However, years of treatment, Charles still didn't respond well to the treatment. Therefore, his attended doctor suggested an effective treatment including medication with talk therapy so that he could recover and live long and healthy life. However alone with that, Charles didn't show any sign of getting better instead became more withdraw and silent.

But when talking about familial affection as a well as bond, he would show some emotion. Thus, with the help of his butler, the Doctor arrangement Charles to attend school to socialize.

Charles know better than anyone else that it won't help him; A person who have the chance to improve evey minute from depression but lock himself in a box no one could open.

However when that warm hearted girl approached him something inside stirs.

When suicidal thoughts inside his head relapse again, the fuzzy image of someone will appear like a small beam of light, shining so brightly that he couldn't help but feel afraid.

Afraid that he would lost it once again, what will he do then?

A person who never tasted the feeling of light and sweetness couldn't be consider harmful, but the person who's baths with endless warmth of the light, once taken away will go crazy... That's for sure.

Perhaps, that light would distinguished too, juts like his parents who appeared as his light at first.

But at that time can he bear it?

As he was thinking about this, a small pair of delicate shoes appeared in front of him, small panting as if the latter has ran a long way to come here.

He looked up, the girl's face was a bit feverish, she looked at him, the light brown eyes has his only refection on it, making an illusion he was the only one on her eyes.


Olivia walked on the faculty room and saw Maecy who're arranging paper from distance. Besides her was Joshua who seems to have eaten a pile of rubbish, his face was hard to draw.

When he saw her, his face brightened, but when Olivia look into it, she has a sudden bad premonition.

How could she trust that rogue?

She still remember how he tricked her not long ago, alright!

His face flipped as fast as the pages of books, who knows what kind of evil trick is he planning again?

Olivia threw a looked of distrust, and wearily step in the room, put down the blank coupon on her hand and sat far, far away from him.

As she sit down, she saw from the corner of her eyes the messed up news report that's still needed to place in order in the table

Then she looked at Joshua who looked at her with a bright eyes that it almost blinded her. She couldn't help but groaned, for the second time, she wanted to curse her bad luck.

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