chapter 2

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as I stood in front of the mirror as I got ready for training I noticed my face there was no sign of color I was pale but honestly it didn't even matter I took my car keys and drove to camp nou

"morning pedri " ansu wished as he walked toward me while draping his hand on my shoulder  "morning ansu" I replied with a kind smile  

"so are u excited?" He asked me with a curious smile  "we come to training everyday what's so exciting about that?" I said   "you mean to say you don't know what is happening today do u ?" He passed me the 'are u kidding me face '  "what are u even talking about boy what did you have for breakfast?" I said to him in a kidding tone but yet genuinely curious about what he was talking about  before he could talk we heard xavi calling for us to hurry up and join the others in the training ground

"so yall know its a special day today isn't it" xavi spoke with a smile while everyone was all smily and happish as they answered in union  "wait ....wait ....wait  can someone just tell me what exactly is happening here what is the hype about and why is is a special day , I mean what's even  going on?"

"how can you even forget about today pedri, " xavi questions me but I had nothing to say "a new player is joining today don't you remember?" as he said that it Strykes me xavi did mention it a few days ago that a new player would be joining the team

xavi walked away only to return a few minutes after with a young boy following him he had pale white skin with plump red lips with big doe eyes which went in all directions looking at the atmosphere around him it was so clear he was nervous and afraid  he kept bitting his lover lip as they approached closer

"everyone  this is pablo gavi your new team mate and he will be playing as a midfielder with franki and pedri , please be kind enough with him and make sure he blends in and is comfortable " xavi said as he left the little boy alone with us and walked away 

"hey kid hi,I am franki as franki introduced him self the boy replied with a hello "so how old are u pablo "Robert questioned him "I am 18" he said

and soon everyone started Introducing them selfs and blending him in with the atmosphere "pedri won't you talk to him" Robert asked me as he stood behind me

"I mean I will " I said as I moved towards the little boy standing and talking to everyone  as he saw me approach hee looked at me with his big doe eyes and a little expressions , and as he looked at the I felt as If something was stabbing my heart. it felt as if he could see what was in my heart and mind and so his fear arose . he didn't carry anything in his eyes except for  charm , charisma, and innocence but there was something eles I could spot  fear , Hate, anger,  it was like he was petrified yet he didn't show anything

"am pedri,  nice to meet you pablo " I said with a tiny smile,  he returned me the smile and said how his feelings were mutual

it was a long hour until everyone practiced and trained for the upcoming match

I soon realized how much I was in conversation with pablo although ansu and blade were more closer to his age he was going in well with me he and I were getting pretty close in his first day itself and honestly I loved my time with him it felt fresh and as If it was a new binning and I was up for it

as the day was over for us I  decided to ask him how he was going home he said he would order and Uber but I insisted on dropping him as my house was the same way as his he denied at first but I could convince him better

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