chapter 5

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a few seconds ago I was in pedris car just as I got out I could see Jacob watching me with an expression it seemed like he would tear me apart, an uneasy feeling went down my chest as I slowly approached the house

I slowly walked in with shaky legs as if  i would fall any second my gaze went towards the starecase he walked down with his Hate expression painted all over his face, I wanted to cry , run away,  away from this house  these memories and away from his so fucking away that he would never find me

as he looked at me his footsteps pase increased as he was quick enough to have come so near I could feel his breath and it scared me


3rd person's pov~

as Jacob stepped closer his hands gripped the little boys brown hair so tightly Pablo's eyes stated to water. Jacob pulled his hair which resulted in the little boy crying

"why are you even crying pablo ,it's me who should cry,Ican't believe this you are forgetting me and getting involved with some other guy," he said as his other hand went around the little boys should and almost squized it which resulted in him crying more words couldn't make the way out of his throat  "why is it pablo why are you going away from me, does he fuck you better or something,  let's guess my baby forgot me" he said those cruel words with an evil look over his face, even saitan would not cause the harm Jacob caused pablo , Jacob was slowly tightening his grip which caused the younger immense pain



he entered his apartment and threw the bag over his couch as  he carried his tenced face and heavy heart inside inside,  he was worried about pablo as he observed the boy at training

he was not smiling as he usually did, he was lost and his face was painted with worry , was strange how scared and disturbed he was from the morning it self and more precisely then they saw the stranger the air changed from that moment itself,  would the man have some sort of connection with pablo he thought

his thoughts were all about if pablo was in trouble or if he was safe , he called pablo several times yet he didn't receive pedris call pedri was worriedenough to grab his keys and head out only to stop at the mani door it struck his on what he was about to do he questioned himself if this is what he is asking for

the feeling of a heart  break had left his but what stayed was fear or facing all of it again,  he stepped back inside, he convinced his self that gavi was a grown up who was capable enough to take care of his self , but little did the  older didn't  know that he was wrong and the little guy needed him



he laid numb with his clothes not covering his body belt marks, punch marks bite marks and brusescovered his body,  tears running down his eyes , the pain was not just physical but also mental and emotional . this was not the first time Jacob harassed him he usually did touch his but it never felt what it was supposed to it was just sher pain and fear . as he younger laid on the bed shouting and screaming for help as his 'so called boyfriend ' kept thrashing his and causing his the pain  of a lifetime

"what are these tears for pablo , am I not doing you better then that boy huh" he said to the boy under him who just kept crying and begging him to stop,  but none could hear his cry for help

Jacob procided to light up his cigarette as pablo looked at him on fear "you know it pablo with love comes pain " he said as he buried the lit cigarette in Pablo's waist screams eroded from his throat "" but his words went on deaf ears and Jacob dragged the cigarette upward burning the pale boys skin, " stoppp.....I...I.. beg ....stopp" cried the little boy

but nothing helped his screaming was of no use , as the cigarette went of he lit it up again smoking it and then burning the boy under his with its help

pablo screamed and cried and Jacob procided to thrust him self into the little boy, all that pablo could do was cry out he was not strong enough to stop what was happening to him, Jacob slowly pressed the burning areas of his skin,  only to hear pablo scream in a high amplifier voice

as Jacob was done he left the the little boy on the bed to bleed from some parts of his body and lay there numb all helpless , valuable and naked  nothing to help him or embrace him

hours passed and pablo slowly made it to the shower only to spend his next hour in there in pain and tears he only cursed the day je met the monster who destroyed his life

he wanted to escape but the was trapped and there seemed like on way out

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