chapter 3

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It was my first day with the first team and honestly it was great I really enjoyed it ,the environment there ,the atmosphere, the people, the energy it was all great

it was something I needed since long ,it was like fresh start, new people, new place it was all great,  life was great

all these were my thoughts as I stood in front of the mirror with my signature smile on my face, I was staring for to long time i convinced my self to look away but for some reason I couldn't I kept staring at my smiling reflection until my smile staring fading and slowly I pulled my shirt over my head which got me a view of my own body , peal  and brushed with wounds and marks of fists and punches, bite marks and burn marks some were all black some were purple and the fresh ones were dark blood red.

slowly I noticed that my eyes were becoming glass like and in no time everything was blurry as if i was crying and turns out I indeed was  it was like an everyday part of my routine

everyday I would stand in front of the mirror and cry only to decide that I would break up with him and go away to live a happy life but then when I would face Him I couldn't utter my words they were permanently stuck in my throat I was scared he would beat me again or maybe because I knew I would be lonely and that though scared me

with my tears and low sobs I finished bathing sliding up my clothes I got out of the room and sat by the bed,looking around As I felt exhausted I received a notification onvmy phone

the message read "hey this is pedri this is my phone number I forgot to give you mine while u shared your number with me ill pick you in the morning by 6:30 good night ~"

as I read his message a smile grew on my face although pedri was a good 6 years older to me he was very friendly and kind he was like a person i instently felt connected to I honestly loved my time at camp nou training with othse  guys there were so  many amazing things I could never be

as I was locked up in my thoughts I noticed jacob walking in  as usual he had him evil grin on his face, I still failed to understand how the younger pablo fell for such a devil, 


"how was your day baby " he asked me as he brushed his hand over my face ,  goosebumps running down my back "it was great "

we had our conversation of the day before he pulled me in his arms to sleep and I hated it , it was as if I was stuck with him and couldn't make it out  sleep took over me before I could go back to my favorite hobby of over thinking

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